АК-47 - У щет мэн, гат дем - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни АК-47 - У щет мэн, гат дем
Когда я умру, вложите мне бутылку в руку -
When I die, put my bottle in my hand -
все годы, проведенные на земле, она была моим единственным другом.
All the years spent on Earth, she was my only friend.
И когда будет выкопана яма и вы будете готовы опустить туда моё тело -
And when the pit is dug up and you will be ready to lower my body there -
Не забудьте положить бутылку виски отдохнуть рядом со мной.
Do not forget to put a bottle of whiskey rest next to me.
Всю свою жизнь я провёл в бешеном темпе -
I spent my whole life at a frantic pace -
Болтался в барах и номерах отелей, доставая всех и каждого,
Dangled in bars and hotel rooms, taking out everyone and everyone,
Я жил в пути, я странствовал от побережья до побережья,
I lived on the way, I wandered from the coast to the coast,
Я провёл не одну бессонную ночь в тюрьме, как стрелок на посту
I spent more than one sleepless night in prison, like a shooter at the post
Когда я умру, не нужно плакать.
When I die, do not cry.
чувства будут неуместны.
Feelings will be inappropriate.
Мне всегда было просто плевать!
I always just spit!
Единственным, кто заставлял меня что-то почувствовать, были те, от чьих ласк я кончал.
The only one who made me feel something was those from whose caress I finished.
Я одиночка на одинокой тропе
I'm a lone on a lonely path
И даже сидя в тюрьме, я не всегда мог уплатить залог -
And even sitting in prison, I could not always pay the pledge -
Не было никого, кого бы я мог позвать, кто бы мог меня навестить,
There was no one whom I could call, who could visit me,
Поэтому однажды я купил пушку и стал охотиться на вас
Therefore, once I bought a gun and began to hunt you
Я жил в пути, я играл дерьмовый рок,
I lived on the way, I played shitty rock,
Я всегда в пути, у меня нет дома
I'm always on the way, I have no home
Я нигде не оставался надолго, у меня нет дома.
I have not stayed anywhere for a long time, I have no home.
Я всего лишь бандит от рок-н-ролла.
I'm just a bandit from rock and roll.
Ничто меня не удовлетворяло, всё приносило разочарование,
Nothing satisfied me, everything brought disappointment,
Кроме выпивки, наркоты и женщины рядом
In addition to drinking, drugs and women nearby
Она не была суперженщиной, но мне ведь много не надо -
She was not a super -woman, but I don't need a lot -
у неё есть всё что надо между ног - а что ещё нужно?
She has everything that needs between the legs - and what else is needed?
Когда я умру, вложите бутылку виски мне в руку
When I die, put a bottle of whiskey in my hand
И я смело отправлюсь в ад
And I boldly go to hell
Когда я умру, я отправлюсь в ад
When I die, I will go to hell
В ад моя дорога, в ад
To hell my road, to hell
Вложите бутылку виски в мою мёртвую руку -
Put the bottle of whiskey into my dead hand -
Это единственный мой друг, который не разочаровал меня
This is my only friend who did not disappoint me
Я знаю, что не выживу
I know that I won't survive
Я купил ружьё и я ухожу
I bought a gun and I'm leaving
When I die put that bottle in my hand
When I Die Put that Bottle in My Hand
All these years on earth it was my only friend
All these years on earth it was my only fired
When you dig a hole and gonna bury me
Wen you dig a hole and gonna bury me
Put that bottle of Jim beam to rest beside me
Put that Bottle of Jim Beam to Rest Beside Me
All my life I've been living on the run
All My Life I've Been Living On the Run
Hanging out in bars and hotel rooms annoying everyone
Hanging Out in Bars and Hotel Rooms Annoying EVERYONE
Living on the road running from coast to coast
Living on the Road Running from Coast to Coast
Spending many nights in jail like a gunman at his post
Spending Many Nights in Jail Like A Gunman At His Post
When I die you don't have to cry
Wen i die you doo lave to crry
You don't have to feel no feelings inside
You Donmet has to feel no feelings inside
Never cared or had no feelings for no one
NEVER CARED OR HAD No Feelings for No One
The only one I cared for was the one who made me cum
The only one I Cared for Was the One Who Made Mee Cum
Live my life like a loner on the trail
Live My Life Like a Loner on the Trail
Some of the nights in jail I couldn't afford no bail
SOME of the Nights in Jail I COULDNIT AFFORD No Bail
No one to call no one to see me through
No one to call no to see me through
So I bought a gun one day and I came gunning after you
So I Boubht a Gun One Day and I Came Gunning after You
Living on the road playing scumfuc rock'n'roll
Living on the Road Playing Scumfuc Rock'n'roll
I'm on the road and I haven't got no home
I'M on the Road and I Havenat Got No Home
Never lived nowhere long enough to call home
I'm just an outlaw scumfuc playing my rock'n'roll
I'M Just an Outlaw Scumfuc Playing My Rock'n'roll
Never had nothing that could keep me satisfied
Except my booze and my drugs and that woman by my side
Except My Booze and My Drugs and that Woman by My Side
She was no woman but she's good enough for me
She was no woman but she's good enure
She's got that cunt between her legs and that's all I need
She's Got That Cunt Between Her Legs and That's All I Need
So when I die put that bottle by my side
So when I Die Put that Bottle by My Side
Bury me with old Jim Beam and I'll be on my hell ride
Bury Me with Old Jim Beam and i'll Be on My Hell Ride
When I die--when I die
Wen i die--when i die
Down to hell is my final destination
Down To Hell is My Final Destination
When I die put that bottle by my side
When I Die Put that Bottle by My Side
It's the only friend I've had in life and it kept me satisfied
IT's The only Friend I've Had in Life and it Kept Me Satispied
Living on the run you'll never take me out alive
Living on the Run You'll Never Take Mee Out Alive
I bought a gun I'm leaving now
I bouse a guun i'm leaving now
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