Ансамбль Апельсин - Колыбельная - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Ансамбль Апельсин - Колыбельная
Произведение для детского вокального ансамбля (Lullaby-work for children's vocal ensemble)
A work for a children's vocal ensemble (Lullaby -work for Children's Vocal Ensemble)
Ты увидишь в ночи
You will see in the night
Две летящих звезды.
Two flying stars.
Как сверкают они
How they sparkle
И всё шепчут мечты!
And everyone whispering dreams!
Сквозь парящие сны
Through soaring dreams
Нежным ветром любви
With a gentle wind of love
Так и веет в ночи,
So it blows in the night
А ты сладко усни.
And you have a sweet way.
И летит, и летит,
And flies and flies
В синем небе парит,
It soars in the blue sky
Фея нежной любви
Fairy of tender love
Принесёт тебе сны.
Will bring you dreams.
Ты ресницы сомкни
You are somber eyelashes
И спокойно усни.
And calmly fall asleep.
Верю-сбудутся мечты,
I believe, dreams will be awake
Ты их сердцем береги.
You take care of them with your heart.
© Copyright: Екатерина Альмендеева, 2016
© Copyright: Ekaterina Almeneva, 2016
Lullaby (Вольный перевод)
Lullaby (free translation)
You will see in the night
You Will See in the Night
little stars shining bright
Little Stars Shining Bright
High twinkle, they do
High Twinkle, They Do
Our dreams coming true
OUR Dreams Coming True
It's beddy-bye time
It "Beddy-bye Time
Sweet kisses of love
Sweet Kisses of Love
In the air are flying
In the Air Are Flying
Sleep tight, turtle dove
Sleep Tight, Turtle Dove
She's winging the air
She's Winging the Air
Living high in the clouds
Living High in the Clouds
The night fairy lady
The Night Fairy Lady
Will come, never pout.
Will Come, Never Pout.
Put together your eyes
Fall off to sleep tight
Fall Off to Sleep Tight
And believe in your dreams
And BelievE in your dreams
Keep them safe through the night
Keep them Safe Through The Night