Ансамбль полит. песни Амиго - Гимн Интернедели - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Ансамбль полит. песни Амиго - Гимн Интернедели
Муз. Ирины Трофимовой, слова Татьяны Андреевой
Muses. Irina Trofimova, the words of Tatyana Andreeva
В числе живущих на Земле и мы
Among those living on earth and we
За степень доброты и зла в ответе.
For the degree of kindness and evil in the answer.
И мы хотим, мы можем, мы должны
And we want, we can, we must
Установить порядок на планете
Set order on the planet
Мир держится порою вокруг нас
The world is sometimes held around us
На эгоизме, хамстве и наживе.
At egoism, rudeness and profit.
Фундамент будущего мы кладем сейчас,
The foundation of the future we will put now,
Мы человечность утверждаем в мире
We affirm humanity in the world
Пусть кто-то нам напомнит о годах -
Let someone remind us of the years -
Но сколько было лет бойцам в Анголе?
But how many years were the fighters in Angola?
И тем, кто возрождает Никарагуа,
And those who revive Nicaragua,
Кто нынче партизанит в Сальвадоре
Who is now partisan in Salvador
Опять объединяет нас Неделя!
The week unites us again!
Причастны к разным временам и судьбам,
Involved in different times and destinies,
В Новосибирском солнечном апреле
In the Novosibirsk Sunny April
Одним трудом породнены мы будем
In one difficulty, we will be updated
Among the inhabitants of the earth,
Among the Inhabitants of the Earth,
we are responsible for the degree of goodness and evil.
We Are Responsight for the Degree of Goodness and Evil.
And we want to, we can, we have to establish order in the world!
And We Want To, We Can, We have to Establish Order in the World!
The world around us is held sometimes on selfishness, rudeness and greed.
The foundations of the future we put now, we affirm the humanity of the world.
The Foundations of the Future We Put Now, We Affirm the Humanity of the World.
Let someone remind us of the years -
Let Someone Remind us of the Years -
but how old were soldiers in Angola?
BUT HOW OLD WERE Soldiers in Angola?
And those who revives Nicaragua,
And Those Who Revives Nicaragua,
Who is now the guerrillas in El Salvador!
Who is Now the Guerrillas in El Salvador!
Again Interweek unites us!
Again Interweek Unites us!
Being involved in the different time and fate,
Being Involved in the Different Time and Fate,
In Novosibirsk sunny April we will intermarry one difficulty.
In Novosibirsk Sunny April Well Intermarry One Difficulty.
Mila Dream feat. Alien Skin - My Flower on the Hill
Ася Халидова - Сан кхоллам бу хьо
Алёна Пискун - Дрочи мой милый мальчик
Алты12най Жорабаева - Асыл жарым
Александр Розенбаум - вальс-бостон
Acapella Express - La Vie Ensemble ost Жизнь одна
Rudy Mancuso - Christmas is a Bitch
БГ - Если Хочешь, Ты Меня Полюби
Irene Fornaciari con Nomadi - Il Mondo Piange