Лил Кейт ft. Лева TWICE - воспоминания - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Лил Кейт ft. Лева TWICE - воспоминания
She said I wonder when it'll be my day
She said I wonder when it'll be my day
'Cause I'm not too far from breaking down
'Cause I'm not too far from breaking down
And all I’ve got are screams inside
And all I’ve got are screams inside
But somehow they come out in a smile
But somehow they come out in a smile
And I'm wondering if I'll always feel this way, this way
And I'm wondering if I'll always feel this way, this way
Только не надо снова пускать на ветер слова
Just don't let words go to waste again
Ты свои сны полюбил, а не меня
You loved your dreams, not me
Забудь о тех двух днях на краю земли
Forget those two days at the end of the earth
Когда были одни, когда с тобой закрыли шторы
When we were alone, when the curtains were closed with you
Когда лишь тени от тел, ту дрожь постельных сцен
When only shadows from bodies, that shiver of bed scenes
Забудь, прекрати искать тот путь «нет»
Forget it, stop looking for that no way
И не смотри мне в глаза, не вини меня
And don't look me in the eye, don't blame me
Запрети себе думать обо мне
Forbid yourself to think about me
Не надо признаний, оправданий
No need for confessions, excuses
Я не хочу это слушать, тебе уйти лучше
I don't want to listen to this, you better leave
Все, что было пойми лишь дело случая
All that was understood is only a matter of chance
Пускай тебя любовь эта больше не мучает
Let this love no longer torment you
Я знаю, что такая первая такая неверная
I know that such a first is so wrong
Пускай, как любовь оказалась стервой
Let love turn out to be a bitch
Я знаю, что такая первая такая неверная
I know that such a first is so wrong
Пускай, как любовь оказалась стервой (2р)
Let love turn out to be a bitch (2p)
She said I wonder when it'll be my day
She said I wonder when it'll be my day
'Cause I'm not too far from breaking down
'Cause I'm not too far from breaking down
And all I’ve got are screams inside
And all I’ve got are screams inside
But somehow they come out in a smile
But somehow they come out in a smile
And I'm wondering if I'll always feel this way, this way
And I'm wondering if I'll always feel this way, this way
я неделями целыми ждал.летел метели.места
I waited for weeks for weeks. Blizzards flew. places
тело мутило искал.летели текста,мутил по местам.
the body was dull looking. text flew, muddied in places.
где бы встретить тебя?
where to meet you
типа там ты,типа там я,типа там всё опять (слышь)
like there you are, like there I am, like it's all over there again (hear)
сон превращая в явь.
turning a dream into reality.
слышь,может хватит?!
hey, maybe that's enough ?!
слышишь я не могу дать тебе всё, это считаю лишним. (нет)
you hear I can’t give you everything, I think it’s superfluous. (not)
ты променяла меня,я был один и этот город,
you changed me, I was alone and this city,
и это всё так замотала меня,я этим сыт по горло
and it all shook me so, I'm fed up with it
ты за белыми стенами комнат,я - под окном у дома
you are behind the white walls of the rooms, I am under the window by the house
мелом выписывал слово-делом показывал.
chalked out a word-deed showed.
снова погода проказами,грозы. как бы сразу не в звёзды..
again the weather pranks, thunderstorms. as if not immediately into the stars ..
ты ведь не думала,что..мне тоже сложно,а это так.(слышь)
you didn’t think that .. it’s difficult for me too, but it’s true. (hear)
я не могу ни чего с собою сделать!(не)
I can't do anything to myself! (not)
я бы набрал бы сейчас бы тебя,но мобила села..
I would dial you now, but the mobile has sat down ..
Я бы мог всё поменять,но всё что можно сделал.
I could change everything, but I did everything I could.
и я бы мог не вспоминать, но любовь оказалась стервой..
and I could not remember, but love turned out to be a bitch ..
And maybe you've fallen down
And maybe you've fallen down
And maybe you just took the long way home
And maybe you just took the long way home
But baby you will never love you … like me
But baby you will never love you ... like me
And one day this will fade away
And one day this will fade away
In the mirror you'll see a smiling face
In the mirror you'll see a smiling face
And standing next to you will always be me
And standing next to you will always be me
Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone
Tell me how you'd rather die alone
Than being stuck here with me
Than being stuck here with me
One day you're gonna see things my way
One day you're gonna see things my way
You gave me so much room that I can't breathe
You gave me so much room that I can't breathe
Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those nights you stayed awake
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me about those days you hated me
Tell me how you'd rather die alone
Tell me how you'd rather die alone
Than being stuck here with me
Than being stuck here with me
One day you're gonna see things my way
One day you're gonna see things my way
You gave me so much room that I can't breathe.....
You gave me so much room that I can't breathe .....
Денис Волохов - Пошла ты на х.. детка
Лилия Хамитова - Мэхэббэт шушыдыр
Любимые песни из мультфильмов - Папа-хоккеист
Люда Барракуда - Не сдам ЕГЭ и стану шлюхой.
Людмила Николаева - Половинка моя
Литвиненко, Archi - Она любит хулигана
Людмила Николаева - Россия жива
Адреналин - А девчёнка та проказница
Siatria - давай любить по-новому.
Гимны надежды - 328. Нежданно ты ушёл от нас
Альберт Асадуллин - Сияй Ташкент, звезда востока