Литл Ричард - Lucille - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Литл Ричард - Lucille
Lucille, you won't do your sister's will?
Lucille, You Won'T Do your Sister's Will?
Oh, Lucille,you won't do your sister's will?
OH, lucille, you won't do your sister's Will?
Well, you ran away and left, I love you still.
Welll, You Ran Away and Left, I Love You Still.
Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
Lucille, Please, Come Back Were You Belong.
Oh, Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
OH, Lucille, Please, Come Back Were You Belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, don't leave me alone.
I been Good to You, Baby, Please, Don 'Leave Me Alone.
I woke up this morning, Lucille was not in sight.
I Woke Up this Morning, Lucille Was Not in Sight.
I asked her friends about her but all their lips were tight.
I Asked Her Friends ABOUT HER BUT All Their Lips Were Tight.
Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
Lucille, Please, Come Back Were You Belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, don't leave me alone
I been Good to You, Baby, Please, Don't Leave Me Alone
Lucille, baby, satisfy my heart.
Lucille, Baby, Satiffy My Heart.
Oh, Lucille, baby, satisfy my heart.
OH, lucille, Baby, Satiffy My Heart.
I slaved for you, baby, and gave you such a wonderful start.
I Slaved for You, Baby, and Gave You Such a Wonderful Start.
Лусилл, разве Вы не будете делать желания своей сестры?
Lusill, will you not make your sister's wishes?
О, Лусилл, разве Вы не будете делать желания своей сестры?
Oh, Lusill, will you not make your sister's wishes?
Ну, Вы убежали и уехали, я люблю Вас все еще.
Well, you ran away and left, I still love you.
Лусилл, пожалуйста, возвратитесь, где Вы принадлежите.
Lusill, please return where you belong.
О, Лусилл, пожалуйста, возвращается, где Вы принадлежите.
Oh, Lusill, please returns where you belong.
Я польза Вам, ребенку, пожалуйста, не оставляю меня в покое.
I am the benefit to you, a child, please, I do not leave me alone.
Лусилл, ребенок, удовлетворяет мое сердце.
Lusill, the child, satisfies my heart.
О, Лусилл, ребенок, удовлетворяет мое сердце.
Oh, Lusill, the child, satisfies my heart.
Я работал как раб для Вас, ребенка, и дал Вам такое замечательное начало.
I worked like a slave for you, a child, and gave you such a wonderful beginning.
Я просыпался этим утром, Лусилл не была в поле зрения.
I woke up this morning, Lusill was not in sight.
Я спрашивал ее друзей о ней, но все их губы были трудны.
I asked her friends about her, but all their lips were difficult.
Лусилл, пожалуйста, возвратитесь, где Вы принадлежите.
Lusill, please return where you belong.
Я польза Вам, ребенку, пожалуйста, не оставляю меня в покое
I am the benefit to you, a child, please, I do not leave me alone
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