МГК - Jump - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни МГК - Jump
ПРИПЕВ (2 раза):
Chorus (2 times):
We can dancing everyday,
We can Dancing EveryDay,
This techno dance is all away,
This techno dance is all away,
Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, why?
OH, Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me, Why?
Мы с тобою в поздний час танцуем техно – высший класс,
You and I dance technology at the late hour - the upper class,
И новый рэп для нас звучит опять.
And the new rap sounds for us again.
Город спит, и люди спят, а здесь костром огни горят,
The city is sleeping, and people are sleeping, but here the lights burn with fire,
Я так хочу с тобою танцевать.
I so want to dance with you.
Шабада-бу-даба (4 раза)
Shabada-Ba-Daba (4 times)
One, two, three, торопятся мгновенья.
One, Two, Three, instantly are in a hurry.
One, two, three, какое наважденье.
One, Two, Three, what an obsession.
Jump, jump – музыка мечты.
Jump, Jump - dream music.
One, two, three, four, танцуй со мною ты, но…
One, Two, Three, Four, dance with me, but ...
One, two, three, торопятся мгновенья.
One, Two, Three, instantly are in a hurry.
One, two, three, какое наважденье.
One, Two, Three, what an obsession.
Jump, jump – музыка мечты.
Jump, Jump - dream music.
One, two, three, four, танцуй со мною ты!
One, Two, Three, Four, dance with me!
Есть там вновь лишь во сне покой, покой мне,
There is there again only in a dream peace, peace to me,
Меня зовёт, влечёт мир огней.
The world of lights entails me.
Я целый день как заводной кручусь,
I'm spinning all day as a clockwork,
Я от этого верчусь, работы не боюсь.
I get back from this, I am not afraid of work.
Я сам среди неоновых витрин,
I myself am among neon windows,
Но только ночь заходит в город-исполин,
But only the night enters the city-guide,
И лунный диск горит цветною лампой,
And the lunar disk burns with a colored lamp,
Я снова слышу старенькие звуки jump'a.
I hear the old sounds of Jump'a again.
ПРИПЕВ (2 раза):
Chorus (2 times):
We can dancing everyday,
We can Dancing EveryDay,
This techno dance is all away,
This techno dance is all away,
Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, why?
OH, Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me, Why?
Шабада-бу-даба (4 раза)
Shabada-Ba-Daba (4 times)
One, two, three, торопятся мгновенья.
One, Two, Three, instantly are in a hurry.
One, two, three, какое наважденье.
One, Two, Three, what an obsession.
Jump, jump – музыка мечты.
Jump, Jump - dream music.
One, two, three, four, танцуй со мною ты, но…
One, Two, Three, Four, dance with me, but ...
One, two, three, торопятся мгновенья.
One, Two, Three, instantly are in a hurry.
One, two, three, какое наважденье.
One, Two, Three, what an obsession.
Jump, jump – музыка мечты.
Jump, Jump - dream music.
One, two, three, four, танцуй со мною ты!
One, Two, Three, Four, dance with me!
На заре тает он, цветной, цветной сон.
At the dawn, he melts, colored, colored sleep.
Опять вокруг стекло и бетон.
Again there is glass and concrete around.
И снова, снова, как огромный змей,
And again, again, like a huge snake,
Меня хватает здесь живой поток людей.
I have enough live stream of people here.
И в облаке неоновых витрин
And in the cloud of neon windows
Среди толпы безумной я совсем один,
Among the crowd of crazy I'm completely alone,
Но с моря вновь холодный дует ветер,
But from the sea, the wind blows cold again,
Как спасение моё приходит вечер.
As my salvation comes the evening.
ПРИПЕВ (2 раза):
Chorus (2 times):
We can dancing everyday,
We can Dancing EveryDay,
This techno dance is all away,
This techno dance is all away,
Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, why?
OH, Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me, Tell Me, Why?
Шабада-бу-даба (4 раза)
Shabada-Ba-Daba (4 times)
Хатха йога!
Hatha yoga!
Шабада-бу-даба (4 раза)
Shabada-Ba-Daba (4 times)
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