Медленно - Урок 38 - География и местонахождение. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Медленно - Урок 38 - География и местонахождение.
Урок 38 - География и местонахождение.
Lesson 38 - Geography and whereabouts.
Mandy: Профессор, где Канада?
Mandy: Professor, where is Canada?
► Professor, where's Canada?
► Professor, Were's Canada?
Professor: Канада на севере отсюда.
Professor: Canada in the north from here.
► Canada is north of here.
► canada is north of her.
Mandy: Вы можете показать мне на карте?
Mandy: Can you show me on the map?
► Can you show me on the map?
► can you show me on the map?
Professor: Конечно. Смотри сюда. Канада на севере Соединенных Штатов.
Professor: Of course. Look here. Canada in the north of the United States.
► Sure. Look here. Canada is north of the United States.
► Sure. LOOK HERE. Canada is north of the united states.
Mandy: А, вижу. А где Мексика?
Mandy: Ah, I see. Where is Mexico?
► Oh, I see. Where's Mexico?
► OH, I See. Were's Mexico?
Professor: Мексика на юге Соединенных Штатов.
Professor: Mexico in the south of the United States.
► Mexico is south of the United States.
► Mexico Is South of the United States.
Mandy: Как насчет Коннектикута? Где это?
Mandy: How about Connecticut? Where is it?
► How about Connecticut? Where's that?
► HOW ABOUT ConNECTICT? Were's that?
Professor: Коннектикут на западе от Нью-Йорка.
Professor: Connecticut in the west of New York.
► Connecticut is east of New York.
► Connecticut is East of New York.
Mandy: Какой штат на востоке от Пенсильвании?
Mandy: What state in the east of Pennsylvania?
► What state is west of Pennsylvania?
► What State West of Pennsylvania?
Professor: Огайо.
Professor: Ohio.
► Ohio.
Mandy: Хорошо, где Лос Анжелес?
MANDY: Okay, where is Los Angeles?
► OK, Where's Los Angeles?
► OK, WERE's los Angeles?
Professor: Лос Анжелес в Калифорнии. Это на юго-западе от Сан Франциско.
Professor: Los Angeles in California. This is in the southwest of San Francisco.
► Los Angeles is in California. It's southeast of San Francisco.
► Los Angeles IS in California. It's Southeast of San Francisco.
Mandy: Где Бостон?
Mandy: Where is Boston?
► Where's Boston.
► Where's Boston.
Professor: Бостон в северо-западной части страны.
Professor: Boston in the northwestern part of the country.
► Boston is in the northeast part of the country.
► Boston is in the northeast part of the cons.
Mandy: Где Лас Вегас?
Mandy: Where is Las Vegas?
► Where is Las Vegas?
► What is las vegas?
Professor: Лас Вегас на юго-востоке.
Professor: Las Vegas in the southeast.
► Las Vegas is in the southwest.
► LAS VEGAS IS in the Southwest.
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