Медленно - Урок 79 - Увольнение Била. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Медленно - Урок 79 - Увольнение Била.
Урок 79 - Увольнение Била.
Lesson 79 - Dismissal Bila.
John: Алло?
John: Hello?
► Hello?
► Hello?
Ann: Привет Джон, извини за поздний звонок, я надеюсь, я не разбудила тебя.
Ann: Hello John, I'm sorry for the late call, I hope I did not woke you up.
► Hi John, sorry for calling so late, I hope I didn't wake you up.
► Hi John, Sorry for Calling SO Late, I Hope i Didn't Wake You Up.
John: На самом деле, я заканчивал кое-какую работу. Я еще не ложился спать.
John: In fact, I finished some kind of work. I have not stayed to bed.
► Actually, I was just finishing some work. I haven't gone to bed yet.
► Actually, I Was Just Finishing Some Work. I Haven't Gone To Bed Yet.
Ann: Ты слышал, что Била уволили вчера?
Ann: Have you heard that Bila was fired yesterday?
► Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday?
John: Нет. Я этого не слышал. Ты уверена?
John: No. I did not hear it. Are you sure?
► No. I didn't hear that. Are you sure?
► No. I Didn't Hear That. Are you sure?
Ann: Да, Сара рассказала это сегодня днем. Она была очень расстроена насчет этого.
Ann: Yes, Sarah told it this day. She was very upset about this.
► Yeah, Sarah told me this afternoon. She was pretty upset about it.
► Yeah, Sarah Told Me This Afternoon. She Was Pretty Upset About It.
John: Это очень плохо. Билл хороший парень.
John: It's very bad. Bill good guy.
► That's too bad. Bill's a nice guy.
► THAT'S TOOO BAD. Bill's a nice guy.
Ann: Да, я знаю.
Ann: Yes, I know.
► Yeah, I know.
► Yeah, I Know.
John: Почему они его уволили?
John: Why did they fired him?
► Why did they fire him?
► Why Did the Fire HIM?
Ann: Она не сказала.
Ann: She did not say.
► She didn't say.
► She Didn't Say.
John: Понятно. Ну, если ты поговоришь с Сарой снова, скажи ей, что в моей компании открывается вакансия. Билл может пойти на интервью на этой неделе, если он хочет.
John: Clear. Well, if you talk to Sarah again, tell her that in my company a vacancy opens. Bill can go to an interview this week if he wants.
► I see. Well, if you talk to Sara again, tell her there's a job opening at my company. Bill can have an interview this week if he wants.
► I SEE. Well, If You Talk to Sara Again, Tell Her There's a Job Opening At My Company. Bill Can Have An Interview This Week If He Wants.
Ann: О, спасибо большое. Я позвоню ей и скажу.
Ann: Oh, thank you very much. I'll call her and say.
► Oh, thank you so much. I'll call her and tell her.
► Oh, Thank You So Much. I'll Call Her and Tell Her.
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