Медленно - Урок 81 - Романтическая история - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Медленно - Урок 81 - Романтическая история
Урок 81 - Романтическая история
Lesson 81 - Romantic story
Paul: Бетти, ты и Джон до сих пор встречаетесь?
Paul: Betty, are you and John still dating?
► Betty, are you and John still dating?
► Betty, are you and John still dating?
Betty: Да, все складывается очень хорошо.
Betty: Yes, everything is going very well.
► Yeah, things are going really well.
► Yeah, things are going really well.
Paul: Где ты его встретила?
Paul: Where did you meet him?
► Where did you meet him?
►Where did you meet him?
Betty: Мы сидели за одним и тем же столом и он попросил мой карандаш.
Betty: We were sitting at the same table and he asked for my pencil.
► We were sitting at the same table and he asked to borrow my pen.
► We were sitting at the same table and he asked to borrow my pen.
Paul: Ого, это милая история.
Paul: Wow, that's a sweet story.
► Wow, that's a nice story.
► Wow, that's a nice story.
Betty: Я рассказывала Джиму об этом на днях. Он сказал, что это было очень романтично.
Betty: I was telling Jim about this the other day. He said it was very romantic.
► I was telling Jim about it the other day. He thought it was pretty romantic.
► I was telling Jim about it the other day. He thought it was pretty romantic.
Paul: У вас у обоих есть планы на сегодняшний вечер?
Paul: Do you both have plans for tonight?
► Do you two have plans for tonight?
► Do you two have plans for tonight?
Betty: Да, я думаю, мы возьмем фильм напрокат. Ты смотрел что-нибудь хорошее в последнее время?
Betty: Yes, I think we'll rent the movie. Have you watched anything good lately?
► Yes, I think we're going to rent a movie. Have you seen anything good lately?
► Yes, I think we're going to rent a movie. Have you seen anything good lately?
Paul: Я смотрел Человека-Паука на днях.
Paul: I was watching Spider-Man the other day.
► I saw Spider-Man the other day.
► I saw Spider-Man the other day.
Betty: Я слышала, что это очень смешной фильм.
Betty: I heard it's a very funny movie.
► I've heard that's a really funny movie.
► I've heard that's a really funny movie.
Paul: Ты шутишь? Тот фильм не смешной. Он печальный. Я плакал в конце.
Paul: Are you kidding? That movie isn't funny. He's sad. I cried at the end.
► Are you kidding? That movie's not funny. It's sad. I was crying at the end.
►Are you kidding? That movie's not funny. It's sad. I was crying at the end.
Betty: Ты очень сентиментальный, не правда ли?
Betty: You're very sentimental, aren't you?
► You're really sensitive, aren't you?
► You're really sensitive, aren't you?
Paul: Я полагаю. Может поэтому я не могу найти девушку.
Paul: I guess. Maybe that's why I can't find a girl.
► I guess so. Maybe that's why I can't find a girlfriend.
► I guess so. Maybe that's why I can't find a girlfriend.
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