Неизвестен - this masquarade - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

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Дата добавления: 14.09.2024 | 11:54:03

Просмотров: 1

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Неужели мы счастливы в этой одинокой игре?
Are we really happy in this lonely game?
Looking for the words to say
Looking for the Words to Say
Подбираем нужные слова,
We select the right words
Searching but not finding, understanding anyway
Searching But Not Finding, Understanding Anyway
Ищем и не находим, и сознаем, несмотря ни на что,
We do not find and do not find, and we realize, no matter what,
We're lost in this masquerade
We're Lost in this Masquarade
Что мы потерялись среди этого маскарада?..
What are we lost among this masquerade? ..

Both afraid to say we're just too far away
Both Afraid to Say We're Just too Far Away
Мы оба боимся признать, что зашли слишком далеко
We are both afraid to admit that we went too far
From being close together from the start
From Being Close Together from the Start
Со времён нашего тесного сближения, с самого начала...
Since our close rapprochement, from the very beginning ...
We try to talk it over, but the words got in the way
We try to talk it over, but the words get in the way
Мы пытаемся всё обсудить, но слова только мешают.
We are trying to discuss everything, but the words only interfere.
We're lost inside this lonely game we play
We're Lost Inside This Lonely Game We Play
Мы потерялись в этой одинокой игре, в которую мы играем.
We were lost in this lonely game that we play.

Thoughts of leaving disappear every time I see your eyes,
Thumbs of Leaving Disappear Eve Time I See Your Eyes,
Мысли об уходе исчезают, как только я вижу твои глаза,
Thoughts about leaving disappear as soon as I see your eyes,
And no matter how hard I try
And no Matter How Hard I Try
И неважно, что я упорно пытаюсь
And it doesn't matter that I'm stubbornly trying
To understand the reason that we carry on this way
To undersStand the reason that We Carry on This Way
Понять причину, почему мы продолжаем так поступать.
Understand the reason why we continue to do this.
We're lost in this masquerade
We're Lost in this Masquarade
Мы потерялись среди этого маскарада...
We were lost among this masquerade ...
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