Нормально - Урок 61 - Визит к доктору. - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Нормально - Урок 61 - Визит к доктору.
Урок 61 - Визит к доктору.
Lesson 61 - a visit to the doctor.
Doctor: Здравствуйте миссис Вилсон.
Doctor: Hello Mrs Wilson.
► Hello Mrs. Wilson.
► Hello Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs.Wilson: Здравствуйте доктор.
Mrs.Wilson: Hello Doctor.
► Hi Doctor.
► Hi Doctor.
Doctor: Как Вы себя чувствуете?
Doctor: How do you feel?
► How are you feeling?
► How Are you feeling?
Mrs.Wilson: Я плохо себя чувствую.
Mrs.Wilson: I feel bad.
► I don't feel good.
► I DON'T FEEL Good.
Doctor: Что Вас беспокоит?
Doctor: What bothers you?
► What's bothering you?
► What's Bothering You?
Mrs.Wilson: У меня боль в животе и головная боль.
MRS.WILSON: I have a stomach pain and headache.
► I have a stomachache and a headache.
► I have a Stomachache and a Headache.
Doctor: Где у вас болит?
Doctor: Where does it hurt you?
► Where does it hurt?
Mrs.Wilson: Здесь.
Mrs.Wilson: here.
► Here.
Doctor: Вас лихорадит?
Doctor: Are you a fever?
► Do you have a fever?
► Do you Have a Fever?
Mrs.Wilson: Нет, я так не думаю.
Mrs.Wilson: No, I don't think so.
► No, I don't think so.
► No, I don't Think SO.
Doctor: Хорошо, позвольте мне посмотреть Ваше горло. Откройте Ваш рот. Ваше горло красное. Оно болит?
Doctor: Good, let me see your throat. Open your mouth. Your throat is red. It hurts?
► OK. Let me look at your throat. Open your mouth. Your throat's red. Does it hurt?
► OK. Let Me Look At Your Throat. Open Your Mouth. Your Throat's Red. Does IT Hurt?
Mrs.Wilson: Да, оно воспалено.
MRS.WILSON: Yes, it is inflamed.
► Yes. It's sore.
► Yes. IT's Sore.
Doctor: Когда оно начало у Вас болеть?
Doctor: When does it start to hurt you?
► When did it start to feel this way?
Mrs.Wilson: На прошлой неделе.
MRS.WILSON: Last week.
► Last week.
► Last Week.
Doctor: Я думаю, у вас вирус. Это может быть грипп. Я собираюсь Вам выписать справку на некоторые лекарства.
Doctor: I think you have a virus. It can be flu. I am going to write you a certificate for some medicines.
► I think you have a virus. It might be the flu. I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine.
► I Think You Have A Virus. IT MIGHT BE THE FLU. I'm Going to Give You A PreScription for some Medicine.
Mrs.Wilson: Спасибо.
Mrs.Wilson: Thank you.
► Thank you.
► Thank you.
Doctor: Постарайтесь немного отдохнуть и пейте много воды и апельсинового сока.
Doctor: Try to relax a bit and drink plenty of water and orange juice.
► Try to get some rest, and be sure to drink lots of water and orange juice.
► Try to Get Some Rest, And Be Sure to Drink Lots of Water and Orange Juice.
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