Ринат Абу Мухаммад - Это укрепит тебя на прямом пути - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Ринат Абу Мухаммад - Это укрепит тебя на прямом пути
The Almighty said that if the regulations of religion were burdensome for slaves, if they were ordered to kill themselves and leave their native houses, then only a few would have been fulfilled. May people give praise to their Lord and thank Him for making their duties easy, affordable and unreleal for every person. From this it follows that the servant of God should pay attention to the benefits granted to him and turn a blind eye to troubles so that it is easier for him to worship, as well as praise and thank his Lord. Then Allah said that if people always followed the instructions that were imputed by him, if they had all their souls sought to regularly comply with his laws, if they had not harassed what they could not and should not be achieved, they would have acted correctly . The servant of God must think about the actions that he is ordered to perform, perform the instructions of religion and move forward with step by step, until he gains those knowledge and does not commit those acts regarding his religion and worldly life that he was destined to commit. If he harasses what he is not destined to achieve, or wants to take a premature step, then he is unlikely to achieve his goal, because he will lose his firm intention and become a victim of laziness and passivity. Allah then told about the reward that people who do what they are exhorted is received. It consists of four components. Firstly, they gain superiority over the rest of the people, because they do what is better for them. They become the best among slaves and acquire their qualities, as they commit the righteous acts that they are ordered to commit. Along with this, they get rid of the qualities of bad slaves, since the statement of one quality implies the denial of the opposite quality to it. Secondly, they gain confidence, and their tread becomes firmly, because Allah provides support to believers for the sake of the faith that they profess, and for the sake of the righteous acts that they commit, guided by the exhortations. He provides them with support in worldly life when they are faced with heavy commands, prohibitions and difficulties. Thanks to this support, they carry out commandments, avoid prohibited acts that the human soul is experiencing, and persistently endure the misfortunes that cause trouble to slaves. Allah makes such slaves persistent because it helps them to show patience, be content with their fate and thank him. He helps them fulfill their duties and provides them with support when they are at death and when they fall into the graves. They fulfill religious prescriptions and accustom themselves to observing the laws of Sharia, thanks to which they begin to love them with all their souls and crave their observance, which also helps them to properly perform charitable actions. Thirdly, Allah gives them a great reward in this world and in the last life. Their souls, hearts and bodies receive the right to enjoy the eternal bliss, which was not seen by the eyes that the ears did not hear and which did not even come to mind to people. Fourth, Allah instructs them on a direct path. The mention of this is an example of mentioning the general after the private. The Almighty acted in such a way as to emphasize the importance of instruction on the direct path, which implies the acquisition of true knowledge, love of truth and preference for the truth to everything else, committing righteous deeds and gaining happiness and success due to this. And if a person is a direct way, he will certainly gain any good and protect him from any evil. Tafsir al-Sad.
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