Рита Ора - Я благодарна - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Рита Ора - Я благодарна
There were a lot of tears I had to cry through
There was a lot of tears i had to crry through
Я должна была выплакать много слёз,
I had to cry a lot of tears,
A lot of battles left me battered and bruised
A LOT of Battles Left Me Batted and Brued
Я должна была получить раны и увечья во многих битвах.
I had to get wounds and injuries in many battles.
And I was shattered, had my heart ripped in two
And I Was Shatterated, Had My Heart Rippeed in Two
Я была разбита, моё сердце было расколото напополам,
I was broken, my heart was split in half,
I was broken, I was broken
I Was Broken, I Was Broken
Я была сломлена, я была сломлена.
I was broken, I was broken.
There were a lot of times I stumbled and crushed
There was a Lot of Times I Stumbled and Crushed
Много раз я спотыкалась и падала.
Many times I stumbled and fell.
When I was on the edge, down to my last chance
When I Was on the Edge, Down To My Last Chance
Когда я была на грани, мне давался последний шанс.
When I was on the verge, I was given the last chance.
So many times when I was so convinced that
So Many Times how I Was So Convinced That
Столько раз я была уверена,
So many times I was sure
I was over, I was over
I was over, I was over
Что всё кончено, всё кончено.
What is over, it's over.
But I had to fall yeah
But i had to fall yeah
Но я должна была упасть,
But I had to fall
To rise above it all
To rice ABOVE It All
Чтобы подняться над обстоятельствами.
To rise above the circumstances.
I'm grateful for the storm
I'M GRATEFUL For the Storm
Я благодарна за ненастье,
I am grateful for the bad weather
Made me appreciate the sun
Made me Apprecate the Sun
Которое научило меня ценить солнце.
Which taught me to appreciate the sun.
I'm grateful for the wrong ones
I'M GRATEFUL For the Wrong Ones
Я благодарна за плохих людей,
I am grateful for the bad people
Made me appreciate the right ones
Made me Apprecate the Right One
Которые научили меня ценить хороших.
Who taught me to appreciate the good.
I'm grateful for the pain
I'M GratEful for the Pain
Я благодарна за боль,
I am grateful for the pain
For everything that made me break
For easing that made me brreak
За всё, что заставляло меня оступаться.
For everything that made me stain.
I'm thankful for all my scars
I'M THKFUL For All My Scars
Я благодарна за все свои шрамы,
I am grateful for all my scars
Cause they only made my heart
Потому что они лишь сделали моё сердце
Because they only made my heart
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Благодарным, благодарным, благодарным, благодарным,
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful,
I was sinking, I was drowning in doubt
I was sinking, I was drowning in Doubt
Я шла ко дну, я тонула в сомнениях,
I walked to the bottom, I drowned in doubt,
The weight all of the pain was weighing me down
The Weight All of the Pain Was Weight Me Down
Тяжесть пережитой боли тянула меня вниз.
The severity of the pain experienced pulled me down.
Pulled it together and I pulled myself out
Pulled It Together and I Pulled Myself Out
Я взяла себя в руки и выкарабкалась.
I pulled myself together and got out.
Learned a lesson, learned a lesson
Learned a Lesson, Learned a Lesson
Я получила урок, я получила урок.
I received a lesson, I got a lesson.
That there's a lot you gotta go through, hell yes
That's a lot you gotta go through, Hell Yes
В жизни нужно через многое пройти. Да, ч*рт возьми!
In life, you need to go through a lot. Yes, h*RT take it!
But that's what got me strong, I got no regrets
But that girl
Но всё это сделало меня сильной, и я ни о чём не жалею.
But all this made me strong, and I do not regret anything.
And I've got only love, got no bitterness
And i've got only love, Got no bitterness
У меня есть любовь, и у меня нет озлобленности.
I have love, and I have no bitterness.
Count my blessings, count my blessings, yeah
Count My Blassings, Count My Blassings, Yeah
Я благодарю судьбу, я благодарю судьбу, да.
I thank fate, I thank fate, yes.
I'm proud of every tear
I'M Proud of EVERY Tear
Я горжусь каждой слезой,
I am proud of every tear
Cause they got me here
Потому что благодаря им я здесь.
Because thanks to them I am here.
I'm grateful for the storm
I'M GRATEFUL For the Storm
Я благодарна за ненастье,
I am grateful for the bad weather
Made me appreciate the sun
Made me Apprecate the Sun
Которое научило меня ценить солнце.
Which taught me to appreciate the sun.
I'm grateful for the wrong ones
I'M GRATEFUL For the Wrong Ones
Я благодарна за плохих людей,
I am grateful for the bad people
Made me appreciate the right ones
Made me Apprecate the Right One
Которые научили меня ценить хороших.
Who taught me to appreciate the good.
I'm grateful for the pain
I'M GratEful for the Pain
Я благодарна за боль,
I am grateful for the pain
For everything that made me break
For easing that made me brreak
За всё, что заставляло меня оступаться.
For everything that made me stain.
I'm thankful for all my scars
I'M THKFUL For All My Scars
Я благодарна за все свои шрамы,
I am grateful for all my scars
Cause they only made my heart
Потому что они лишь сделали моё сердце
Because they only made my heart
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Благодарным, благодарным, благодарным, благодарным,
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful,
There is nothing I would change
There is notHing I WOULD CHANGE
Я ничего бы не стала менять в своей жизни,
I would not change anything in my life,
That even one mistake I made
That event mistake I made
Даже ни одной ошибки, которую я совершила.
Even not a single mistake that I made.
I got lost, found myself, found my way
I Got Lost, Found Myself, Found My Way
Я потеряла себя, потом обрела, и нашла свой путь.
I lost myself, then found it, and found my way.
I'm grateful for the storm
I'M GRATEFUL For the Storm
Я благодарна за ненастье,
I am grateful for the bad weather
Made me appreciate the sun
Made me Apprecate the Sun
Которое научило меня ценить солнце.
Which taught me to appreciate the sun.
I'm grateful for the wrong ones
I'M GRATEFUL For the Wrong Ones
Я благодарна за плохих людей,
I am grateful for the bad people
Made me appreciate the right ones
Made me Apprecate the Right One
Которые научили меня ценить хороших.
Who taught me to appreciate the good.
I'm grateful for the pain
I'M GratEful for the Pain
Я благодарна за боль,
I am grateful for the pain
For everything that made me break
For easing that made me brreak
За всё, что заставляло меня оступаться.
For everything that made me stain.
I'm thankful for all my scars
I'M THKFUL For All My Scars
Я благодарна за все свои шрамы,
I am grateful for all my scars
Cause they only made my heart
Потому что они лишь сделали моё сердце
Because they only made my heart
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Благодарным, благодарным, благодарным, благодарным,
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful,
You know that I'm grateful
You Know that i'm GratEful
Ты знаешь, что я благодарна,
You know that I'm grateful
You know that I care
You know that i Care
Ты знаешь, что мне не всё равно.
You know that I don't care.
No time for the wrong ones
No Time for the Wrong Ones
У меня нет времени на плохих людей,
I don't have time for bad people
I'll always be there
I'll Always be there
Я всегда буду
I will always be
I'm grateful
Я благодарна..
I am grateful ..
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