УГ - Sandman Polka - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни УГ - Sandman Polka
Виталик Хэтфилдович жил
Vitalik Hatfildovich lived
Прилично и збогойно.
Decent and zbogoino.
Хмельных напитков он не пил,
He did not drink hoppy drinks,
Не делал людям больно.
It hurts people.
Но зачесался ночью глаз —
But he combed his eyes at night -
Вскочил в поту холодном,
I jumped into the sweat of cold
И понял — вот он, звёздный час!
And I understood - here it is, the starry hour!
Он сочинит про это сказ,
He will compose a fairy tale about this
По нраву каждому из нас!
To the disposition of each of us!
Сказ вышел крайне годным.
The tale came out extremely suitable.
Say your prayers, little one,
Say your Prayers, Little One,
Don't forget, my son,
Don`t Forget, My Son,
To include everyone.
I tuck you in, warm within,
I Tuck You in, Warm Within,
Keep you free from sin,
Keep You Free from Sin,
'Til the Sandman he comes.
'Til The Sandman He Comes.
Sleep with one eye open,
Sleep with One Eye Open,
Gripping your pillow tight!
Gripping Your Pillow Tight!
Exit, light!
Exit, Light!
Enter, night!
Enter, Night!
Take my hand!
Take My Hand!
We're off to never-never land.
We're Off to Never-Never Land.
Something's wrong, shut the light,
Sading's wrong, Shut the Light,
Heavy thoughts tonight,
Heavy Thumbs Tonight,
And they aren't of Snow White.
And they arenhet of Snow White.
Dreams of war, dreams of lies,
Dreams of War, Dreams of Lies,
Dreams of dragons fire,
Dreams of Dragons Fire,
And of things that will bite, yeah!
And of Things that Will Bite, Yeah!
Sleep with one eye open,
Sleep with One Eye Open,
Grippin' your pillow tight!
Grippin 'Your Pillow Tight!
Exit, light!
Exit, Light!
Enter, night!
Enter, Night!
Take my hand!
Take My Hand!
We're off to never-never land.
We're Off to Never-Never Land.
Як цуп цоп парви каридола
Yak Tsup Tsop Parvi Karidola
Тык паривила тиц тандула
Pumpa plunged Tits Tandula
Диби даби дала руп-патирупирам
Dii Dabi Dal Rup Patirupire
Курикан губкая кили-кан-ко.
Kurikan spongy kili-kan-ko.
Ра-цай-цай ариби даби дила
RACAI-Tsai Aribi Dabi Dila
Бариц дан дила ландэн ландо
Baritz Dan Dila Landen Lando
Абариб факта пари-пари-бари
Abarib of the Pari-Pari-Bari fact
Бери-бери-бери стан дэн лан до.
Beri-Bury-Buri Stan Dan Lan do.
Я бари ласдэн ландэ яло
I am Bari Lasden Lande Yalo
Ара-вара-вара-вара вади вияву.
Ara-Vara Vara Vadi Viyava.
Барис дан лэн ласдэн ландо
Baris Dan Lan Lasden Lando
Бадака-дага-дага ду-ду-де яло!
Badaka-Daga-Dag Du-Do-de Yalo!
Як цуп цоп парви каридола
Yak Tsup Tsop Parvi Karidola
Тык паривила тиц тандула
Pumpa plunged Tits Tandula
Диби даби дала руп-патирупирам
Dii Dabi Dal Rup Patirupire
Курикан губкая кили-кан-ко.
Kurikan spongy kili-kan-ko.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep,
Pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Pray The Lord My Soul to Keep.
And if I die before I wake,
And if i die before i wake,
Pray the Lord my soul to take.
Pray The Lord My Soul to Take.
Hush little baby, don't say a word,
Hush Little Baby, Donmet Say a Word,
And never mind that noise you heard.
And Never Mind that Noise You Heard.
It's just the beast under your bed,
It's Just the Beast Under Your Bed,
In your closet, in your head!
In your closet, in your head!
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