Брат Солнце, Сестра Луна - Brother sun and sister moon - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Брат Солнце, Сестра Луна - Brother sun and sister moon
Brother sun and sister moon
Brother Sun and Sister Moon
I seldom see you,
I Seldom See You,
seldom hear your tune.
Seldom Hear Your Tune.
We are occupied
We are occupied
with selfish miseries.
With Selfish Miseries.
Brother wind and sister river
Brother Wind and Sister River
open my eyes to visions pure and fair
Open My Eyes to Visions Pure and Fair
that I may see
that i may see
the glory around me.
The Glory Around Me.
I am god's creature,
I am God's Creature,
of him I am a part.
Of Him I Am a Part.
I feel his love awakening my heart.
I Feel His Love Awakening My Heart.
Brother sun and sister moon
Brother Sun and Sister Moon
I now do see you,
I Now Do See You,
I can hear you tune.
I can hear you tune.
So much in love
So Much in Love
with all that I survey.
with all that I Survey.
Брат солнце,сестра луна-
Brother Sun, sister Luna-
я редко вижу вас,
I rarely see you
редко слышу вашу мелодию.
I rarely hear your melody.
Мы заняты своими эгоистичными переживаниями.
We are busy with our selfish experiences.
Брат ветер,сестра река
Brother Wind, sister river
откройте мои глаза видениям чистым и ярким,чтоб я смог увидеть славу господню
Open my eyes to visions clean and bright so that I can see the glory of the Lord
Я божье созданье, часть его.
I am God's creature, part of it.
Я чувствую его любовь,
I feel his love
пробуждающую мое сердце.
A awakening my heart.
Брат солнце, сестра луна
Brother sun, sister moon
сейчас я действительно вас
Now I'm really you
вижу и могу слышать вашу мелодию,
I see and I can hear your melody,
так сильно я люблю всё,
so much I love everything
что вокруг
what around
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