Фадеев, Пелагея и Билан - Obladi-Oblada - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Фадеев, Пелагея и Билан - Obladi-Oblada
Desmond has a barrow in the market place,
Desmond Has a Barrow in the Market Place,
Десмонд на базаре работягой был.
Desmond in the bazaar was a hard worker.
Molly is the singer in a band.
Molly Is the Singer in a Band.
Молли же певицею была.
Molly was Pevitsu.
Desmond says to Molly:"Girl, I like your face".
Desmond Says to Molly: "Girl, I Like Your Face".
Десмонд ей сказал: "Тебя я полюбил".
Desmond told her: "I fell in love with you."
And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand:
And Molly Says this as she Takes Him by the Hand:
Сказала Молли так и за руку взяла:
She said Molly and took her hand:
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
Desmond takes a trolley to the jeweler's store,
Desmond Takes a Trolley to the Jewler's Store,
Десмонд поскорее к лавке прикатил,
Desmond rolled to the shop as soon as possible,
Buys a twenty carat golden ring,
Buys a Twenty Carat Golden Ring,
Обручальное купил кольцо.
Wrong -up bought a ring.
Takes it back to Molly wating at the door,
Takes It Back to Molly Wating at the Door,
И с собою взять его не позабыл,
And I did not forget it with it,
And as he gives it to her she beging to sing.
And as he gives it to her she starting to sing.
Чтоб, когда Молли петь начнёт отдать его:
So that when Molly to sing begins to give it:
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди Об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
In a couple of years they have built
In a couple of the years
И за пару лет создали
And in a couple of years they created
A home, sweet home.
A Home, Sweet Home.
Свой дом, свой дом.
Your house, your house.
With a couple of kids running in the yard
With a couple of kids running in the yard
А также ещё парочку детей
And also a couple more children
Of Desmond and Molly Jones.
Of Desmond and Molly Jones.
Десмонд и Молли Джонс.
Desmond and Molly Jones.
Happy ever after in the market place
Happy Ever after in the Market Place
Десмонд счастлив быть рабочим и отцом,
Desmond is happy to be a worker and father,
Desmond lets the children lend a hand.
Desmond lets The Children Lend a Hand.
Детям поручает он дела.
He entrusts the children.
Molly stays at home and does her pretty face.
Molly Stays at Home and Does Her Pretty Face.
Молли красит дома же своё лицо,
Molly paints his face at home,
And in the evening she's a singer with the band. Yes!
And in the Evenging She's A Singer with The Band. Yes!
Чтобы потом она певицей быть могла. Да!
So that later she could be a singer. Yes!
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
In a couple of years they have built
In a couple of the years
И за пару лет создали
And in a couple of years they created
A home, sweet home.
A Home, Sweet Home.
Свой дом, свой дом.
Your house, your house.
With a couple of kids running in the yard
With a couple of kids running in the yard
А также ещё парочку детей
And also a couple more children
Of Desmond and Molly Jones.
Of Desmond and Molly Jones.
Десмонд и Молли Джонс.
Desmond and Molly Jones.
Happy ever after in the the market place
Happy Ever after in the Market Place
Молли* счастлив быть рабочим и отцом,
Molly* Happy to be a worker and father,
Molly lets the children lend a hand.
Molly lets The Children Lend a Hand.
Детям поручает он дела.
He entrusts the children.
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face.
Desmond Stays at Home and Does His Pretty Face.
Десмонд* красит дома же своё лицо,
Desmond* paints his face at home,
And in the evening she's a singer with the band. Yes!
And in the Evenging She's A Singer with The Band. Yes!
Чтобы потом она певицей быть могла. Да!
So that later she could be a singer. Yes!
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди об-ла-да, жизнь река, да!
O-la-d-d-la-yes, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
Ob-la-di ob-la-da, life goes on bra.
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Life Goes on Bra.
Об-ла-ди облада, жизнь река, да!
O-la-di possess, life river, yes!
La-la how the life goes on.
La-la How The Life Goes on.
Ла-ла жизнь рекой течёт.
La La life flows.
Ob-la-di bla-da
Ob-la-di Bla-Da
Об-ла-ди бла-да
O-la-di bla-yes
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