Bad Religion - Fuck You - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Bad Religion

Название песни: Fuck You

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Bad Religion - Fuck You

Иди на*уй(перевод Aeon)
Fuck you (translation by Aeon)

Everybody needs a slogan in their pocket or two
Everybody needs a slogan in their pocket or two

Всем нужен девиз в запасе или даже два,
Everybody needs a motto or two,

It never hurts to have a strategy you can go to
It never hurts to have a strategy you can go to

Никогда не помешает иметь стратегию, к которой можно прибегнуть.
It never hurts to have a strategy to fall back on.

Sometimes I have no sense at all
Sometimes I have no sense at all

Иногда я вообще ничего не понимаю,
Sometimes I don't understand anything at all

As most flawed men are one to do
As most flawed men are one to do

Как бывает у большинства безумцев.
As happens with most crazy people.

Just say 'Fuck you'
Just say 'Fuck you'

Просто скажи "Иди на*уй"
Just say "fuck you"

Pavlovian rude
Pavlovian rude

Рефлексу Павлова, 1
Pavlov's reflex, 1

A menace too
A family too

И угрозам тоже.
And threats too.

Pay homage to
Pay homage to

Воздай должное
Give it its due

Your bad attitude
Your bad attitude

Своей негативной установке. 2
Your negative attitude. 2

You can even get cerebral if you want to
You can even get cerebral if you want to

Ты даже можешь стать мыслителем, если хочешь,
You can even become a thinker if you want

Make a radical assessment that sticks like glue
Make a radical assessment that sticks like glue

Создай радикальное мнение, что пристаёт, как клей.
Create a radical opinion that sticks like glue.

Sometimes it takes no thought at all
Sometimes it takes no thought at all

Иногда не нужно даже думать,
Sometimes you don't even have to think

The easiest thing to do
The easiest thing to do

Проще всего...
The easiest way...

Is say 'Fuck you'
I say 'Fuck you'

Сказать "Иди на*уй"
Say "Fuck you"

Pavlovian rude
Pavlovian rude

Рефлексу Павлова,
Pavlov's reflex

A menace too
A family too

И угрозам тоже.
And threats too.

Pay homage to
Pay homage to

Воздай должное
Give it its due

Your bad attitude
Your bad attitude

Своей негативной установке.
Your negative attitude.

The reaction it brings, just one of those things
The reaction it brings, just one of those things

Реакция, которую оно вызывает, может быть тем,
The reaction it causes may be

Your friends might not want you around
Your friends might not want you around

Из-за чего твои друзья не хотят иметь с тобой дела.
Why your friends don't want to do business with you.

If the impulse is right, you might get in a fight,
If the impulse is right, you might get in a fight,

Если импульс правильный, ты можешь затеять бой,
If the impulse is right, you can start a fight

Even though you can't hold your ground
Even though you can't hold your ground

Даже если не можешь удержать позицию.
Even if you can't hold your position.

But all rest assured, sometimes just a word
But all rest is assured, sometimes just a word

Но всё остальное достоверно, и иногда лишь слово
But everything else is reliable, and sometimes just a word

Is the most satisfying sound
Is the most satisfying sound

Является самым приятным звуком.
It is the most pleasant sound.

Sometimes it makes no sense at all
Sometimes it makes no sense at all

Иногда я вообще не вижу смысла,
Sometimes I don't see the point at all

The easiest thing to do
The easiest thing to do

И проще всего...
And the easiest thing is...

Is say 'Fuck you',
I say 'Fuck you'

Сказать "Иди на*уй"
Say "Fuck you"

Pavlovian rude
Pavlovian rude

Рефлексу Павлова,
Pavlov's reflex

A menace too
A family too

И угрозам тоже.
And threats too.

Pay homage to
Pay homage to

Воздай должное
Give it its due

Your bad attitude
Your bad attitude

Своей негативной установке.
Your negative attitude.

Just say 'Fuck you',
Just say 'Fuck you'

Просто скажи "Иди на*уй"!
Just say "Fuck you"!

Whatcha gonna do
Whatcha gonna do

Чё ты сделаешь
What will you do

With that attitude?
With that attitude?

С этой установкой?
With this setup?

Just say 'Fuck you'!
Just say 'Fuck you'!

Просто скажи "Иди на*уй"!
Just say "Fuck you"!

1 - отсылка к Ивану Павлову, который придумал "Условный рефлекс" (рефлекс/физиологическая реакция на происходящее во внутренней среде организма).
1 - a reference to Ivan Pavlov, who came up with the “Conditioned Reflex” (a reflex/physiological reaction to what is happening in the internal environment of the body).

2 - неосознанное психологическое состояние, внутреннее качество, базирующееся на предрасположенности к определённой активности в определённой ситуации.
2 - an unconscious psychological state, an internal quality based on a predisposition to a certain activity in a certain situation.
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