Basiaga - One Shot - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Basiaga

Название песни: One Shot

Дата добавления: 20.07.2024 | 11:46:38

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Basiaga - One Shot

One shot
One shot
Кто кем изображен
Who is depicted by whom
Люблю жить с хорошо
I love to live well
Быстро, но не порошок
Fast, but not powder
Улыбнись - ок
Smile - ok
Чик-чик фотошоп
Chick-chik photoshop
Люблю жить хорошо
I love to live well
Да, люблю жить хорошо
Yes, I love to live well
Делая, делай наверняка
Doing, do for sure
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Делая, не спрашивай как
Doing, do not ask how
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Не за, не за
Not for, not for
Не загадывай
Don't guess
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Ты за, ты за
You're for, you're for
Но не загадывай
But don't guess
Не загадывай
Don't guess
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Не за, не за
Not for, not for
Не загадывай
Don't guess
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Ты за, ты за
You're for, you're for
Но не загадывай
But don't guess
Не загадывай
Don't guess
Все одинаково
Everything is the same zero
Все одинаково zero
Everything is the same one, I went
Все одинаково один, я пошел
And found
И нашел
It's time to look for yourself, and find, all of them
Пора искать себя, и находить, всем им
I know who I am, let's light it up, let's light it up
Я знаю кто я, зажжем, зажжем
One shot
One shot
Who is depicted by whom
Кто кем изображен
I love to live well
Люблю жить с хорошо
Fast, but not powder
Быстро, но не порошок
Smile - ok
Улыбнись - ок
Chick-chick photoshop
Чик-чик фотошоп
I like to live well
Люблю жить хорошо
Yes, I like to live well
Да, люблю жить хорошо
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Come come come
Not for, not for
Не за, не за
Don't guess
Не загадывай
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
You're for, you're for
Ты за, ты за
But don't guess
Но не загадывай
Don't guess
Не загадывай
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
Not for, not for
Не за, не за
Don't guess
Не загадывай
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
You're for, you're for
Ты за, ты за
But don't guess
Но не загадывай
Don't guess
Не загадывай
Everything is the same
Все одинаково
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