Bethel live Jeremy Riddle - To our God - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

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Дата добавления: 18.08.2024 | 04:18:46

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Bethel live Jeremy Riddle - To our God

Лишь Тебя
Only you
в альбоме поют в F#m
In the album they sing in f#m

Поднял из пепла Своей любовью,
He raised his love from the ashes,
Призвал из тьмы нас в чудный Свой свет,
He called us out of darkness into his wonderful light,
Взял все печали, понёс наше бремя
Took all the sorrows, carried our burden
И исцелил!
And healed!

Лишь Тебя возносим в хвале!
Only you aside you in praise!
Лишь Тебя возносим в любви!
Only you aside you in love!
Лишь Тебя возносим в хвале,
Only you aside you in praise
Славя: Аллилуйя!
Slaving: Hallelujah!

Цепи разбиты, глаза открыты -
The chains are broken, the eyes are open -
Армия Света начинает вставать,
The army of light begins to get up,
Смерть в поражении -
Death in defeat -
Мы победили жизнью Твоей!
We defeated your life!

Славя: Аллилуйя, Аллилуйя!
Glory: Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Ты один - славный Бог, сильный Бог, чудный Бог!
You are alone - a glorious god, a strong god, a wonderful god!
Будем петь: (Ты -) славный Бог, сильный Бог, чудный Бог!
We will sing: (you -) the glorious God, strong God, wonderful God!
Иисус - (Ты -) славный Бог, сильный Бог, чудный Бог!
Jesus - (you -) glorious God, strong God, wonderful God!
Будем петь: (Ты -) славный Бог, сильный Бог, чудный Бог!
We will sing: (you -) the glorious God, strong God, wonderful God!

To Our God
To out God
Brian Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, Joel Taylor
Brian Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, Joel Taylor

Intro: F Am C, F Am G (repeat)
Intro: F Am C, F Am G (Repeat)

Am F C
Am F C.
Up from the ashes Your love has brought us
Up From the Asshes Your Love Has Brough Us
G Am
G am
Out of the darkness into the light
Out of the Darkness Into the Light
Lifting our sorrows
Lifting OUR Sorrops
C g
Bearing our burdens healing our hearts
Bearing OUR Burdenes Healing OUR Hearts

To our God we lift up one voice
To out God We Lift Up One Voice
To our God we lift up one song
To state God We Lift Up One Song
To our God we lift up one voice
To out God We Lift Up One Voice
Singing Hallelujah
Singing Hallelujah

Am F C
Am F C.
Chains have been broken eyes have been opened
Chains have been Broken Eyes have been Opened
G Am
G am
An army of dry bones is starting rise
An Army of Dry Bones Is Starting Rise
Death is defeated
Death Is Defeated
C g
We are victorious for You are alive
We are victorious for you are Alive

Hallelujah Hallelujah (repeat)
Hallelujah Hallelujah (Repeat)

Am F C G
Am F C G
We'll make His praise glorious glorious, glorious
We'll Make His Praise Glorious Glorious, Glorious
Am F C G
Am F C G
For His name is glorious, glorious, glorious
For his name is Glorious, Glorious, Glorious
Am F C G
Am F C G
Make His praise glorious, glorious, glorious
Make His Praise Glorious, Glorious, Glorious
Am F C G
Am F C G
Shout His name Glorious, Glorious, Glorious
Shout His Name Glorious, Glorious, Glorious
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