Bob Dylan - Masters of War - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Bob Dylan - Masters of War
скоростной перевод О.В. Сергеева
Speed translation O.V. Sergeev
15 мин.))) может, не переделывать???
15 min.))) Maybe not to redo ???
Come you masters of war
Come You Masters of War
Ну вы, хозяева (творцы) войны
Well, you, the owners (creators) of war
You that build the big guns
You Taild The Big Guns
вы, что построили большие пушки
you built big guns
You that build the death planes
вы, что построили самолёты смерти
you built death aircraft
You that build all the bombs
You taild all the bombs
вы, что построили (сконструлили) все эти бомбы
You have built (designed) all these bombs
You that hide behind walls
You That Hide Behind Walls
вы, что спрятались за стенами
You, that hid behind the walls
You that hide behind desks
You That Hide Behind Desks
за столами
Behind the tables
I just want you to know
I Just Want You to Know
я хочу, чтоб знали вы
I want you to know you
I can see through your masks.
I Can See Through Your Masks.
я могу видеть вас за вашими масками
I can see you for your masks
You that never done nothin'
You tat Never Done Nothin '
вы, что ничего не сделали
You have not done anything
But build to destroy
But Build To Destroy
только и делаете что ради разрушения
just do that for the sake of destruction
You play with my world
You play with my world
вы играете моим миром
You play my world
Like it's your little toy
Like It's Your Little Toy
как будто это ваша маленькая игрушка
as if this is your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
You Put a Gun in My Hand
вы суете свое оружие мне в руку
You bustle your weapon in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And You Hide From My Eyes
и смываетесь из глаз долой
and wash off the eye
And you turn and run farther
And You Turn and Run Farther
а за поворотом драпаете еще быстрее
And around the turn drape even faster
When the fast bullets fly.
когда летят пули
When the bullets fly
Like Judas of old
Like Judas of Old
как Иуда в древности
like Judas in antiquity
You lie and
You Lie and.
вы лжете и врёте
You are lying and lie
A world war can be won
A World War Can Be Won
о том что в WW можно победить
that in ww can be defeated
You want me to believe
You Want Me to Believe
вы хотите чтоб я поверил
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
But i See Through Your Eyes
но я вижу по глазам
But I see in my eyes
And I see through your brain
And I See Through Your Brain
вижу насквозь твои мозги
I see your brains
Like I see through the water
Like I See Through The Water
как сквозь воду
how through water
That runs down my drain.
That Runs Down My Drain.
что льется под краном в раковину
What pours under the crane in the sink
You fasten all the triggers
ты заставляешь другого жать на курок
You make another harvest on the trigger
For the others to fire
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
THEN YOU SET Back and Watch
затем появляешься и наблюдаешь
then you appear and watch
When the death count gets higher
и когда счет смертям все выше и выше,
And when the score of deaths is higher and higher,
You hide in your mansion'
You hide in your mansion '
линяешь в свое поместье,
Line in your estate,
As young people's blood
AS Young People's Blood
когда кровь молодых людей
when the blood of young people
Flows out of their bodies
Flows Out of Their Bodies
вылилась из их тел
resulted out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud.
и растворилась в грязи
and dissolved in mud
You've thrown the worst fear
You've Thrown The Worst Fear
ты приносишь страх, худший из худших в этот мир
You bring fear, the worst of the worst in this world
That can ever be hurled
That Can Ever Be Hurled
Fear to bring children
Fear to Bring Children
страх растить детей (приводить в этот мир своих детей)
Fear to raise children (bring their children to this world)
Into the world
Into The World
For threatening my baby
For Threatening My Baby
страх, угрожающий моим детям
Fear threatening my children
Unborn and unnamed
Unborn and Unnamed
нерождённым и неназванным
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
You Ain't Worth The Blood
ты не видишь смысла в крови
You do not see the meaning of blood
That runs in your veins.
That runs in your veins.
что течет в твоих жилах
what flows in your veins
How much do I know
How Much Do I Know
как много я знаю
How much I know
To talk out of turn
To Talk Out Of Turn
чтобы выговорить
To crowind
You might say that I'm young
You Might Say That I'm Young
вы можете сказать, что я молод
You can say I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
You Might Say I'm Unlearned
что я необразован и необучен
that I am uneducated and unseen
But there's one thing I know
But There's One Thing I Know
но одну вещь я знаю
But one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Though I'm Young Younger Than You
(хотя я моложе чем вы),
(although I am younger than you)
That even Jesus would never
That Even Jesus Would Never
что даже Иисус никогда
that even Jesus never
Forgive what you do.
Forgive What You Do.
не простит что вы наделали
I will not forgive that you have done
Let me ask you one question
Let Me Ask You One Question
дайте-ка спросить
Come to ask
Is your money that good
IS Your Money That Good
что, денежки ваши
What, your money
Will it buy you forgiveness
Will It BUY You Forgiveness
помогут купить прощение?
help buy forgiveness?
Do you think that it could
Do You Think That It Could
I think you will find
я думаю ты поймешб
I think you will understand
When your death takes its toll
когда твоя смерть пожнёт жатву
when your death gets married harvest
All the money you made
на все деньги, которые ты сделал
on all the money you did
Will never buy back your soul.
Will Never Buck your Soul.
никогда не вернуть тебе твоей души
never return your soul to you
And I hope that you die
And I Hope That You Die
надеюсь сдохнете
Hope to die
And your death'll come soon
And Your Death'll Come Soon
и смерть придёт скоро
And death will come soon
I will follow your casket
I Will Follow Your Casket
я последую за вашим гробом
I'm filled with your coffin
In the pale afternoon
в бледный полдень
in pale noon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
And I'll Watch While You're Lowered
и я увижу как вас положат
And I will see how you put
Down to your deathbed
на смертное одро
on mortal odro
And I'll stand over your grave
And I'll Stand Over Your Grave
и я буду стоять над могилой вашей
And I will stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead.
'Til I'm Sure That You're Dead.
пока не уверюсь
I'm not sure yet
, что вы мертвы
that you are dead
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