Bubble Bath Cat, Rimsky Tha Rimm, Russian Loco - Я играю за G-Funk - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Bubble Bath Cat, Rimsky Tha Rimm, Russian Loco

Название песни: Я играю за G-Funk

Дата добавления: 09.08.2023 | 14:36:06

Просмотров: 4

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Bubble Bath Cat, Rimsky Tha Rimm, Russian Loco - Я играю за G-Funk

G Funky Sound
G Funky Sound
In yo muthafukkin house biiiatch
In yo muthafukkin house biiiatch
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
M Town - фанк банда - как надо
M town - Funk Bang - How should
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Летаю - How High Empire
Flying - How High Empire
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Расскажи мне в чём сила американец
Tell me what is the power of the American
Hell No
Hell no
Не лги ублюдок, ты в этом вообще не шаришь
Do not lie bastard, you don't shy about it at all
Ты розовый faggot, как Vanish
You are pink Faggot like vanish
Мы на синих Converse
We are on blue converse
Мутим Cat Pound танец
Mutate Cat pound dance
По хер, что ты базаришь.
Her dick, what are you bazing.
Это Bubble Bath Cat
This is Bubble Bath Cat
Ты полюбишь мой pimp slap
You will love my pimp slap
Рядом мои хоуми - kick, snare
Near my Hawmi - Kick, Snare
Я играю за G Shit
I play for g shit
Твой OG чепуха кент
Your og nonsense
Со мной фанки флейвы Snoop, Dre
With me, Fucks Flaws Snoop, Dre
Крутим крутим колесо
We twist the wheel
Новый эпизод - жгу сорт
New episode - I burn the variety
Я цепляю самок самый сок
I catch the female itself the juice
Будто лассо
Like Lasso
Разливаю новый ящик Псоу
I pour the new PSOU box
Мотель Resort
Resort motel
На этот стилёчек ставлю всё
I put everything on this style
Playa Cat Zone
Playa Cat Zone
CPG - игроки экстракласса
CPG - Extract players
Не ебись со мною псина
Do not fuck the dog with me
Тебя ждёт лишь фиаско
Only fiasco awaits you
Как Ле Трюк я рисую словами - Пикассо
How I draw a trick in words - Picasso
Flava делает мясо, homie
Flava makes meat, homie
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
M Town - фанк банда - как надо
M town - Funk Bang - How should
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Летаю - How High Empire
Flying - How High Empire
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
It's on again as I'm sayin
It's on again as i'm sayin
I'm playin for G Funk
I'M Playin for G Funk
Dem aiming for Tha Rimm
Dem Aiming for Tha Rimm
Like Carter wit that Honey Dip dunk
Like Carter Wit that Honey Dip Dunk
Roll tha weed, dawg, for my cats out here
Roll Tha Weed, Dawg, For My Cats Out Here
Spittin brrats like gats and I ain't talkin pets it's clear
Spittin Brrats Like Gats and I Ain't Talkin Pets It's Clear
Fear no man bleeding the same thang - it's all the trip
Fear No Man Bleeding the Same Thing - It's All the Trip
Yo, the saga begins, begin war - Mobb Deep
Yo, The Saga Begins, Begin War - Mobb Deep
Not about to count money and women your ass get
Not About to Count Money and Women Your Ass Get
All I care about is how gangsta is your shit
All I Care ABOUT IS HOW GANGSTA is your shit
Sick and tired of hoe-bitchin', got my back with all them stitches
Sick and Tired of Hoe-Bitchin ', Got My Back with All Them Stitches
But it ain't a motion picture to rewind the time
But it ain't a motion picture to read the time
I get you high! Why smoking in my kitchen get you preaching on the way I gotta live it and be down for mine?
I Get You High! Who Smoking in My Kitchen Get You Preaching on the Way I Gotta It and Be Down for Mine?
I'm in the fast lane
I'M in the Fast Lane
G is in my gas tank
G is in my gas tank
Can't stop, won't quit to funk your lady ass mayne
Canomet Stop, Won 'Quit To Funk Your Lady Ass Mayne
Like I'm hittin switches she be bouncin like a six-tray
Like I'M Hittin Switches She Be Bouncin Like A Six-Tray
To tha Bubble Bath Cat thang
To Tha Bubble Bath Cat than
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
M Town - фанк банда - как надо
M town - Funk Bang - How should
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Летаю - How High Empire
Flying - How High Empire
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Я выхожу из дома, все вокруг пялятся на меня
I leave the house, everyone around stares at me
Это мне так знакомо, палец о палец, стёр к ебеням
This is so familiar to me, a finger on a finger, wiped to fuck
Поменял свое море на океан, тут и там, есть кайф и я
I changed my sea to the ocean, here and there, there is a buzz and I
Я играю за джи фанк
I play for Ji Funk
Моя impala riding low.
My Impala Riding Low.
City to city as we go. Rimsky with his indo smoke.
City to City as We Go. Rimsky with HIS Indo Smoke.
Oh no! The shit is dope like your best hoe
Oh no! The Shit Is Dope Like Your Best Hoe
Russian gang, if you don't know
Russian Gang, If You Donat Know
Оригинальный стиль, когда меня спросили
Original style when I was asked
Почему ты делаешь Джи в России - Это моя стихия.
Why are you doing ji in Russia is my element.
Красное, синее, чувствую химию
Red, blue, I feel chemistry
И наших чуваков много по всему миру
And there are a lot of our dudes around the world
Нахер твой флоу, нахер и всё
Fuck your Floo, fuck and that's it
Я на West Coast, а что ты несёшь
I'm on West Coast, what are you carrying
Я на токбоксе, я режиссёр
I'm on tokbox, I'm a director
Dropping tha song
Dropping Tha Song
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
M Town - фанк банда - как надо
M town - Funk Bang - How should
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Летаю - How High Empire
Flying - How High Empire
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
M Town - фанк банда - как надо
M town - Funk Bang - How should
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Летаю - How High Empire
Flying - How High Empire
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Cat Pound - G Rider - Free Side
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk
Я играю за G Funk
I play for g funk