Charles Dance - Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer - BBC Sport - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Charles Dance - Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer - BBC Sport
I am the dreadful menace.
I Am The Dreadful Menace.
The one whose will is done.
The One Whose Will Is Done.
The haunting chill upon your neck.
The Haunting Chill Upon Your Neck.
I am the conundrum.
I Am The Conundrum.
I will summon armies.
I Will Summon Armies.
Of wind and rain and snow.
Of Wind and Rain and Snow.
I made the black cloud overhead.
I Made The Black Cloud Overhead.
The ice, like glass below.
The Ice, Like Glass Below.
Not you, nor any other.
NOT You, Nor Any Other.
Can fathom what is nigh.
CAN Fathom What is Nigh.
I will tell you when to jump.
I Will Tell You WHEN TO JUMP.
And I’ll dictate how high.
The ones that came before you.
The Ones That Came Before You.
Stood strong and tall and brave.
Stood Strong and Tall and Brave.
But I stole those dreams away.
But i Stole Those Dreams Away.
Those dreams could not be saved.
Those Dreams Could Not Be Saved.
But now you stand before me.
But Now You Stand Before Me.
Devoid of all dismay.
Devoid of All Dismay.
Could it be? Just maybe.
COULD IT BE? Just Maybe.
I’ll let you have your day.
I'll Let You Have Your Day.
Я страх твой леденящий,
I fear your chilling,
Чья воля есть закон.
Whose will is the law.
Из ужаса мой плащ и
From horror my raincoat and
Я тайной облачен.
I am secretly closed.
Со мной стихий угрозы,
With me, the elements of the threat
И на твое чело
And on your man
Низвергну дождь и грозы,
I will rain and thunderstorms,
Под ноги — льда стекло.
Under the legs - ice glass.
И невдомек вам, слабым,
And the uncommon to you, weak
Как глубока нора.
How deep Nora.
Мое прикажет слово
My word will order
Как прыгать и когда.
How to jump and when.
До вас бывали крепкие,
Before you were strong
Стояли на ногах;
Stood on the legs;
Склонил их на колени я,
Bowed them to the knees I
Разбил мечты их в прах
Broke their dreams in dust
И вы, поднялись, дерзко,
And you rose, boldly,
Не опустили глаз.
Did not lower the eyes.
Возможно, да, возможно,
Maybe yes maybe
Сегодня дам вам шанс
Today I will give you a chance
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