chloe castro - from eden - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни chloe castro - from eden
Babe, there's something tragic about you
Babe, There's Someting Tragic About You
Детка, в тебе есть что-то печальное
Baby, you have something sad in you
Something so magic about you
SoMething So Magic ABOUT YOU
В тебе есть что-то волшебное
You have something magical in you
Don't you agree?
Don'T You Agree?
Ты не согласна?
Do you disagree?
Babe, there's something lonesome about you
Babe, There's Someting Lonesome ABOUT You
Детка, в тебе есть одиночество
Baby, you have loneliness in you
Something so wholesome about you
SoMething Solesome ABOUT YOU
В тебе есть яркая жизнь
You have a bright life in you
Get closer to me
Get Closer to Me
Подойди ко мне поближе
Come closer to me
No tight side, no rolling eyes, no irony
No Tight Side, No Rolling Eyes, No Irony
Нет прочных стен, нет насмешливых взглядов и иронии
There are no strong walls, there are no mocking views and irony
No 'who cares', no vacant stares, no time for me
No 'Who Cares', No Vacant Stares, No Time for Me
Нет тех "кому не наплевать", нет выхода, нет времени для меня
There are no "who do not give a damn", there is no way out, there is no time for me
Honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Honey You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Милая ты родная мне, как моё отражение в зеркале много лет назад
Honey you are dear to me, as my reflection in the mirror many years ago
Idealism sits prison, chivalry fell on it's sword
Idealism Sits Prison, Chivalry Fell On it's Sword
Идеалы заперты в тюрьме, за пораженное мечом рыцарство
The ideals are locked in prison, for the stained chivalry struck
Innocence died screaming,
Innocence Died Screaming,
Невинность погибает с пронзительным криком,
Innocence dies with a piercing cry,
Honey ask me I should know
Honey Ask Me I Shoup Know
Милая, спроси меня, я знаю ответ
Honey, ask me, I know the answer
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
I Slithered Here from Eden Just Sit Outside Your Door
Я приполз сюда из Эдема, чтобы ждать тебя у дверей
I crawled here from Eden to wait for you at the door
Babe, there's something wretched about this
Babe, There's Somethal Wretched ABOUT THEIS
Детка, есть в этом что-то несчастное
Baby, there is something unhappy in this
Something so precious about this
Someting so procious about this
И одновременно драгоценное
And at the same time precious
Oh what a sin
Oh What a sin
Какой же это грех
What a sin
To the strand a picnic plan for you and me
To the Strand a Picnic Plan for You and Me
Я планирую устроить пикник для нас двоих
I plan to arrange a picnic for us two
A rope in hand for your other man to hang from a tree
A Rope in Hand for Your Other Man to Hang from a Tree
А твой мужчина уже держит веревку, чтобы закинуть петлю на дерево
And your man is already holding a rope to throw a loop on a tree
Honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Honey You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Милая ты родная мне, как моё отражение в зеркале много лет назад
Honey you are dear to me, as my reflection in the mirror many years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on it's sword
Idealism Sits in Prison, Chivalry Fell on it's Sword
Идеалы заперты в тюрьме, за пораженное мечом рыцарство
The ideals are locked in prison, for the stained chivalry struck
Innocents died screaming,
Innocents Died Screaming,
Невинность погибает с пронзительным криком,
Innocence dies with a piercing cry,
Honey ask me I should know
Honey Ask Me I Shoup Know
Милая, спроси меня, я знаю ответ
Honey, ask me, I know the answer
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
I Slithered Here from Eden Just Sit Outside Your Door
Я приполз сюда из Эдема, чтобы ждать тебя у дверей
I crawled here from Eden to wait for you at the door
Honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Honey You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Милая ты родная мне, как моё отражение в зеркале много лет назад
Honey you are dear to me, as my reflection in the mirror many years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on it's sword
Idealism Sits in Prison, Chivalry Fell on it's Sword
Идеалы заперты в тюрьме, за пораженное мечом рыцарство
The ideals are locked in prison, for the stained chivalry struck
Innocence died screaming,
Innocence Died Screaming,
Невинность погибает с пронзительным криком,
Innocence dies with a piercing cry,
Honey ask me I should know
Honey Ask Me I Shoup Know
Милая, спроси меня, я знаю ответ
Honey, ask me, I know the answer
I slithered here from Eden just to hide outside your door
I Slithered Here from Eden Just to Hide Outside Your Door