Dave Gahan Hourglass 2007 - 21 Days - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Dave Gahan Hourglass 2007

Название песни: 21 Days

Дата добавления: 26.07.2024 | 10:40:07

Просмотров: 2

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Dave Gahan Hourglass 2007 - 21 Days

When are you going / Когда ты собираешься
When are you going / When are you going
To tell us it's over / Сказать нам, что все кончено?
To tell us it's over / Tell us that it's over?
How long will you keep us / Сколько ты еще будешь держать нас,
How long will you keep us / How long will you keep us,
Hanging on your hook / Болтаясь на своем крюке?
Hanging on your hook / Dangling on your hook?
You have us all by the short and curlys / Ты знаешь о нас все самое интимное*,
You have us all by the short and curlys / You know all the most intimate things about us*,
Reading us all like a book / Читая нас, словно книгу.
Reading us all like a book / Reading us like a book.

Building a tower of fear by the river / Строишь башню страха у реки,
Building a tower of fear by the river / Build a tower of fear by the river,
Building it up / Возводишь ее стены,
Building it up / You are building her walls,
Build it up / Возведи ее.
Build it up / Build it up.

Building a tower of fear by the river / Строишь башню страха у реки,
Building a tower of fear by the river / Build a tower of fear by the river,
Building it up / Возводишь ее стены,
Building it up / You are building her walls,
Build it up / Возведи ее.
Build it up / Build it up.

It's been 21 days / Это был 21 день,
It's been 21 days / It was 21 days
And the tower keeps rising / И башня продолжала расти.
And the tower keeps rising / And the tower continued to grow.
21 days / 21 день –
21 days / 21 days –
That's all it took / Вот сколько это заняло.
That's all it took / That's how much it took.
The sun is disappearing on the horizon / Солнце исчезает за горизонтом,
The sun is disappearing on the horizon / The sun disappears behind the horizon,
You really should take a look / И тебе явно надо на это взглянуть.
You really should take a look / And you obviously need to look at it.

Building a tower of fear by the river / Строишь башню страха у реки,
Building a tower of fear by the river / Build a tower of fear by the river,
Building it up / Возводишь ее стены,
Building it up / You are building her walls,
Build it up / Возведи ее.
Build it up / Build it up.

Building a tower of fear by the river / Строишь башню страха у реки,
Building a tower of fear by the river / Build a tower of fear by the river,
Building it up / Возводишь ее стены,
Building it up / You are building her walls,
Build it up / Возведи ее.
Build it up / Build it up.
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