Deerhunter - Back To The Middle - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Deerhunter

Название песни: Back To The Middle

Дата добавления: 07.08.2024 | 12:04:37

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Deerhunter - Back To The Middle

Back to the middle, this is where love has left me
Back to the middle, this is where love has left me It's an endless cycle, please, don't take it away from me And look at me, my hair is falling out now You're two by four, you left me doubting Back to the middle, everyone knows your name now It's all accidental, your love is such a sick sick game How could he? The basic way You used me, why does it have to be so brutal?
It's an endless cycle, please, don't take it away from me

Back in the middle, take me where I can see some stars Take me to your cabin like you promised so many times You and me, you broke free You broke me and you left these little pieces TRANSLATION I return to the middle, where love is left me, It's an endless cycle, please don't take him away from me.
And look at me, my hair is falling out now

You're two by four, you left me doubting
Look at me, now my hair is falling out, You are two out of four, you made me doubt.

Back to the middle, everyone knows your name now
I'm going back to the middle, and everyone knows your name,
It's all accidental, your love is such a sick sick game
It's all accidental, your love is a sick game.

How could he? The basic way
How did he do it? This is typical of the way
You used me, why does it have to be so brutal?
You use me, why does it have to be so cruel?

Back in the middle, take me where I can see some stars
I'm going back to the middle, take me there , where I can see the stars,
Take me to your cabin like you promised so many times
Take me to your cabin, because you promised me so many times.

You and me, you broke free
You and I, you destroyed freedom,
You broke me and you left these little pieces
You broke me and left these little pieces.


Я возвращаюсь на середину, туда, где любовь оставила меня,
Это бесконечный цикл, пожалуйста, не забирай его от меня.

Взгляни на меня, теперь волосы мои выпадают,
Ты - два из четырёх, ты заставила меня сомневаться.

Я возвращаюсь на середину, и каждый знает твоё имя,
Это всё случайно, твоя любовь - больная игра.

Как он это смог? Это типичный способ, которым
Ты пользуешься мной, почему это должно быть настолько жестоко?

Я возвращаюсь на середину, забери меня туда, где я могу видеть звёзды,
Возьми меня к себе в каюту, ведь ты мне обещала это много-много раз.

Ты и я, ты разрушила свободу,
Ты сломала меня и оставила эти маленькие кусочки.
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