Demonoid - Century Plague - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Demonoid

Название песни: Century Plague

Дата добавления: 01.07.2024 | 11:26:53

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Demonoid - Century Plague

Millions on the run
Millions on the run
Fear in their eyes
Fear in their eyes
Black death pine for their lives
Black death pine for their lives
Loves them to death
Loves them to death
Nowhere left to escape
Nowhere left to escape
Embraced in the arms of the plague
Embraced in the arms of the plague
Yersinia Pestis penetrates all
Yersinia Pestis penetrates all

Coughing up your lungs
Coughing up your lungs
Abscess suppurates
Abscess suppurates
Your fluids clot inside of your limbs
Your fluids clot inside of your limbs
Finally the end
Finally the end
Corpses all around
Corpses all around
40 millions left to rot away
40 millions left to rot away

14th century plague
14th century plague
Cure against mankind
Cure against mankind
14th century plague
14th century plague
Deadly gift from the gods
Deadly gift from the gods

"Чума 14-го века"
"The Plague of the 14th Century"

Миллионы в бегах
Millions on the run
В их глазах страх
There's fear in their eyes
Чёрная смерть жаждит их жизни
The Black Death thirsts for their lives
Любит их до смерти
Loves them to death
Нигде не осталось выхода
There's no way out anywhere
Всё захватила чума
The plague has taken over everything
Yersina Pestis проникает во всё
Yersina Pestis penetrates everything

Кашель в ваших лёгких
Cough in your lungs
Абцесса гноится
The abscess is festering
Комок жидкостей внутри ваших органов
A lump of fluids inside your organs
Наконец конец
Finally the end
трупы везде
corpses everywhere
40 миллионов остались погибать
40 million left to die

Чума 14го века
14th century plague
Лечение против человечества
Treatment against humanity
Чума 14го века
14th century plague
Смертельный подарок от богов
A deadly gift from the gods
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