Elize Ft. Jay Colin - Itsy Bitsy Spider - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Elize Ft. Jay Colin - Itsy Bitsy Spider
Кроха-паучок, сидящий на стене,
Baby-waist sitting on the wall,
Лучше берегись, иначе она тебя поймает.
Better beware, otherwise she will catch you.
Невыносимо тяжело, невыносимо больно наблюдать, как ты отрицаешь правду
It is unbearably difficult, unbearably painful to observe how you deny the truth
Она собирается захомутать тебя, как только ты начнёшь ей врать,
She is going to get you as soon as you start to lie to her,
Это настолько очевидно, но ты, похоже, совсем ослеп
This is so obvious, but you seem to be completely blinded
И не видишь, как проблемы подбираются к тебе.
And you do not see how problems are selected for you.
Милый, ты ведь уже не мальчик - и вот, что ты должен знать:
Honey, you are no longer a boy - and here's what you should know:
Сети, которые она сплела, ты должен распутать. Но как?
You must unravel the nets that she weaved. But how?
Это уже твои проблемы!
These are your problems!
Кроха-паучок лезет по стене.
The crumbs-wrapper climbs along the wall.
Берегись, если не хочешь угодить в её сети
Watch out if you do not want to get on her network
Заблудившись в лабиринте лжи, запутавшись в паутине сомнений,
Lost in the labyrinth of lies, confused in the web of doubts,
Милый, если ты застрянешь, между нами всё кончено,
Honey, if you get stuck, everything is over between us,
Ведь я не стану тебя вытаскивать!
After all, I will not pull you out!
Итак, она тебя заполучила и теперь ей не до сна
So, she got you and now she is not up to bed
Стоит тебе открыть глаза, она уже не находит себе места
It is worth opening your eyes to you, she no longer finds a place for herself
Твои руки связаны, и вот мы снова застряли в паутине обмана,
Your hands are connected, and here we are again stuck in the web of deception,
Думаю, сейчас самое время нам с тобой попрощаться.
I think it's the time to say goodbye to you.
Милый, ты ведёшь себя совсем, как мальчик, ты ведь и сам понимаешь:
Honey, you behave completely like a boy, you yourself understand:
Сети, которые мы сплели вместе, я разорвала. Вот так!
I torn the nets that we weaved together. Like this!
Ты - не мой мужчина!
You are not my man!
Кроха-паучок лезет по стене.
The crumbs-wrapper climbs along the wall.
Берегись, если не хочешь угодить в её сети
Watch out if you do not want to get on her network
Заблудившись в лабиринте лжи, запутавшись в паутине сомнений,
Lost in the labyrinth of lies, confused in the web of doubts,
Милый, если ты застрянешь, между нами всё кончено,
Honey, if you get stuck, everything is over between us,
Ведь я не стану тебя вытаскивать!
After all, I will not pull you out!
Кроха-паучок лезет по моей стене, и что же?
The crumbs-wrapper climbs along my wall, and so what?
Новый день - новый беспорядок, да ты же тряпка!
A new day is a new mess, you're a rag!
Ты даже не станешь отрицать этого. Она хочет украсть моего мужчину...
You will not even begin to deny this. She wants to steal my man ...
Хочешь знать, как всё закончится?
Do you want to know how it will end?
Тебя она уже убедила, я не стану ей мешать - пусть ворует!
She already convinced you, I will not interfere with her - let her steal!
Дошло до тебя?
Has it came to you?
Кроха-паучок лезет по стене.
The crumbs-wrapper climbs along the wall.
Берегись, если не хочешь угодить в её сети
Watch out if you do not want to get on her network
Заблудившись в лабиринте лжи, запутавшись в паутине сомнений,
Lost in the labyrinth of lies, confused in the web of doubts,
Милый, если ты застрянешь, между нами всё кончено,
Honey, if you get stuck, everything is over between us,
Ведь я не стану тебя вытаскивать!
After all, I will not pull you out!
Кроха-паучок лезет по стене.
The crumbs-wrapper climbs along the wall.
Берегись, если не хочешь угодить в её сети
Watch out if you do not want to get on her network
Заблудившись в лабиринте лжи, запутавшись в паутине сомнений,
Lost in the labyrinth of lies, confused in the web of doubts,
Милый, если ты застрянешь, между нами всё кончено,
Honey, if you get stuck, everything is over between us,
Ведь я не стану тебя вытаскивать!
After all, I will not pull you out!
Itsy bitsy spider, waiting on the wall
ITSY BITSY Spider, Waiting on the Wall
You better watch out or she will have you caught
You Better Watch Out or She Will Havy You Caure
It is a constant strain, constant pain watching you deny
It is a Constant Strain, Constant Pain Watching You Deny
That her plans to catch you, starts when you tell lies
That her Plans to Catch You, Starts When You Tell Lies
No matter how obvious you seem like you're blind
No Matter How Obvious You Seem Like You're Blind
Can't you feel problems that creep up from behind
Can't you feel problems that Creep up from Behind
Baby, you are not a boy there are things that you should see
Baby, you are not a boy there are Things that You Shoup See
The strings she's tied you must cut loose, it's up to you not me,
The String Shes Tied You Must Cut Loose, It's Up to You Not Me,
It's up to you not me
It's up to you not me
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
ITSY BITSY Spider Climbing on the Wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
Better Watch Your Step Or in Her Web You'll Fall
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Spin You Round in Circles in A Net of Doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
Baby If You're Stuck i'm Done with You
Cause I won't get you out
The way she's got you worked out she can't have no rest
The Way She's Got You Worked Out She Cant Have no Rest
You must wake up she's crawling in our nest
You must wake up she's CRAWLING in OUR NEST
You're hands are tied we are stuck in a web of lies
You're Hands are Tied We Ar Stuck in a Web of Lies
I think it's time we said our goodbyes
I Think It's Time We Said Oour Goodbyes
Baby, you act like a boy there are things I know you'll see
Baby, You Act Like A Boy the Are Things I Know You'll See
The strings we tied I cut you loose you're not a man to me,
The Strings We Tied I Cut You Loose You're Not a Man to Me,
You're not a man to me
You're not a man to me
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
Better Watch Your Step Or in Her Web You'll Fall
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Spin You Round in Circles in A Net of Doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
Baby If You're Stuck i'm Done with You
Cause I won't get you out
Itsy bitsy spider climbing all over my wall, I'm telling you
ITSY BITSY Spider Climbing All Over My Wall, I'M Telling You
Everyday a new mess, cause you are so spineless
Denying when you can, she's trying to steel my man
Denying how you can, She's Trying to Steel My Man
Baby don't you know that it in the end
Baby Donat You Know that it in the end
If she managed to convince you I'd rather be her best friend
If she managed to convincion you i'd raather be her Best Friend
You get it?
You get it?
Itsy bitsy spider climbing on the wall
ITSY BITSY Spider Climbing on the Wall
Better watch your step or in her web you'll fall
Better Watch Your Step Or in Her Web You'll Fall
Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt
Spin You Round in Circles in A Net of Doubt
Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you
Baby If You're Stuck i'm Done with You
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