Example - Perfect Replacement - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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Perfect Replacement (оригинал Example)
Perfect Replaceement (original Example)
Идеальная замена (перевод Сергей Котэ из Дмитрова)
Ideal replacement (translation by Sergey Kot from Dmitrov)
I've told too many girls that I love em
I've Told too Many Girls that I Love Em
Я многим девушкам говорил, что люблю.
I told many girls that I love.
I've told too many girls they're the one
I've Told too Many Girls They're the One
Я многим девушкам говорил, что они те единственные.
I told many girls that they are the only ones.
So why am I sitting here all alone
Soony am I sitting her all alone
Так почему же я теперь сижу здесь в полном одиночестве?
So why am I now sitting here in complete solitude?
How do you measure fun?
How Do You Measure Fun?
Чем измеряется этот курьез?
How is this curiosity measured?
I've called lost property
I've Called Lost Property
Я звонил в бюро найденных вещей
I called the Bureau of Found things
Too many times
Too Many Times
Очень много раз.
Many times.
And I can't live properly
And I canon Live Properly
И я не могу жить как следует,
And I can't live properly
A piece of me died
A piece of me died
Часть меня умерла.
Part of me died.
I wasn't aware
Я не был в курсе,
I was not in the know
The Mona Lisa cried
The Mona Lisa Cried
Что Мона Лиза плакала. (1)
That Mona Lisa cried. (1)
Maybe I remembered my decent side
Maybe I Rememphed My Decent Side
Возможно, я вспомнил о своей порядочной стороне,
Perhaps I remembered my decent side,
Wash the kisses off my neck and
Wash The Kisses Off My Neck and
Смою поцелуи с шеи и
I will smoke kisses from my neck and
Lock my past in the basement
Lock My Past in the Basement
Запру прошлое в подвале.
Proch the past in the basement.
I need to find your perfect replacement
I Need to find your Perfect Replacement
Мне нужно найти идеальную замену тебе.
I need to find the perfect replacement for you.
Let's start - you've torn him apart
Let's Start - You've Torn Him Apart
Давай начнем - ты разорвала его на куски,
Let's start - you tore him into pieces,
He had a lotta heart for a heartless bastard
He Had a Lotta Heart for a Heartless Bastard
А ведь у него было предостаточно сердца для бессердечного ублюдка.
But he had plenty of heart for a heartless bastard.
So sad, sad it ain't last
So Sad, Sad it Ain't Last
Так жаль, что оно не выжило.
It is so sorry that it did not survive.
Scream like you mean if you wanna go faster
Scream Like You Mean If You Wanna Go Faster
Прокричи сколь есть мочи, если хочешь жить быстрее,
Shout how much urine is if you want to live faster,
Cos he'll never slow down
Cos He'll Never Slow Down
Потому что он никогда не сбавит скорость.
Because he will never slow down.
Tears of a clown like bits of motown
Tears of a Clown Like Bits of Motown
Лил слезы как дурак - как биты мотауна. (2)
Leela tears like a fool - like the bati bits. (2)
Found what he needs and his heart still bleeds
Found What He Needs and His Heart Still Bleeds
Нашел, что ему нужно, а сердце все еще истекало кровью,
I found what he needed, and his heart was still bleeding,
But he'll never take a ride on your merry-go-round
But he'll Never Take a Ride on Your Merry-Go-Rour
Но он никогда больше не прокатится на твоей карусели.
But he will never ride your carousel again.
We'll never know what we may find
We'll Never Know What We May Find
Мы никогда не узнаем, что ждет нас
We will never know what awaits us
Find on the other side
Find on the Other Side
В том мире.
In that world.
We'll never know what we may find...
We'll Never Know What We May Find ...
Никогда не узнаем, что ждет...
We will never know what awaits ...
I've called lost property
I've Called Lost Property
Я звонил в бюро найденных вещей
I called the Bureau of Found things
Too many times
Too Many Times
Очень много раз.
Many times.
And I can't live properly
And I canon Live Properly
И я не могу жить как следует,
And I can't live properly
A piece of me died
A piece of me died
Часть меня умерла.
Part of me died.
I wasn't aware
Я не был в курсе,
I was not in the know
The Mona Lisa cried
The Mona Lisa Cried
Что Мона Лиза плакала.
That Mona Lisa cried.
Maybe I remembered my decent side
Maybe I Rememphed My Decent Side
Возможно, я вспомнил о своей порядочной стороне,
Perhaps I remembered my decent side,
Wash the kisses off my neck and
Wash The Kisses Off My Neck and
Смыл поцелуи с шеи и
Washed away kisses from the neck and
Lock my past in the basement
Lock My Past in the Basement
Запер прошлое в подвале.
Pour the past in the basement.
I've found your perfect replacement
I've Found Your Perfect Replaceement
Я нашел идеальную замену тебе.
I found the perfect replacement for you.
Hope you remember my love
Hope You Remember My Love
Надеюсь, ты запомнишь, как я тебя любил,
I hope you remember how I loved you
Remember my name
Remember My Name
Запомнишь, как меня зовут.
Remember what my name is.
Put a message in the post
PUT A Message in the Post
Отправил письмо по почте,
I sent a letter by mail
I hope you get it by May
I hope you get it by May
Надеюсь, ты получишь его к маю.
I hope you get it by May.
Lock my past in the basement
Lock My Past in the Basement
Запер прошлое в подвале,
Locked the past in the basement,
I've found your perfect replacement
I've Found Your Perfect Replaceement
Я нашел идеальную замену тебе.
I found the perfect replacement for you.
I've found something, never need your nothing again [6x]
I've Found someting, NEVER NEED Your Nothing AGain [6x]
Я нашел кое-что, и от тебя мне больше ничего не надо. [6x]
I found something, and I don’t need anything else from you. [6x]
Who's laughing now?
Who's laghing Now?
И кто теперь смеется?
And who is laughing now?
I've found your perfect replacement
I've Found Your Perfect Replaceement
Я нашел идеальную замену тебе.
I found the perfect replacement for you.
Lock my past in the basement
Lock My Past in the Basement
Запер прошлое в подвале,
Locked the past in the basement,
I've found your perfect replacement
I've Found Your Perfect Replaceement
Я нашел идеальную замену тебе.
I found the perfect replacement for you.
1 - есть расхожее мнение, что на картине Мона Лиза не улыбается, а плачет
1 - there is a common opinion that in the picture of Mona Lisa does not smile, but crying
2 - мотаун - соул-стиль 1960-х в США
2 - Motown - Soul -style of the 1960s in the USA
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