eskimo callboy - The Devil Within - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни eskimo callboy - The Devil Within
Дьявол внутри
The devil is inside
I'm-I'm running away
I'M-I'M Running Away
Я... Я убегаю!
I ... I'm running away!
I'm-I'm running away
I'M-I'M Running Away
Я... Я убегаю!
I ... I'm running away!
I pack up my bags to leave this place
I Pack Up My Bags to Leave This Place
Я собираю сумки, чтобы сбежать отсюда,
I collect bags to escape from here
Pick up the pieces and take them with me
Pick up the Pieces and Take them with me
Соберу обломки и возьму их с собой.
I will collect the wreckage and take them with me.
Haunted by ghosts across the streets
Haunted by Ghosts Across the Streets
Преследуемый призраками по улицам,
Pursued by ghosts through the streets,
Lost on the highway, my heart's beating quietly
Lost on the Highway, My Heart's Beating Quietly
Потерявшийся на шоссе, моё сердце бьётся тихо.
Lost on the highway, my heart beats quietly.
Feels like I'm lost in space
Feels Like i'm Lost in Space
Я будто потерялся в пространстве,
As if I were lost in space
The past became my casket nails
The Past Became My Casket Nails
Прошлое стало гвоздями в крышке моего гроба.
The past became nails in the lid of my coffin.
Can I fix it by another way
Can i fix it by Another Way
Могу ли я исправить это иным способом?
Can I fix this in a different way?
(The scars will shape you from the inside)
(The Scars Will Shape You from the Inside)
(Шрамы формируют тебя изнутри!)
(Scars form you from the inside!)
I am turning around
I am Turning Around
Я поворачиваю то,
I turn
What's inside of you, inside of me
What's Inside of You, Inside of Me
Что внутри тебя, внутри меня.
What is inside you, inside me.
(I'm-I'm running away)
(I'M-I'M Running Away)
(Я... Я убегаю!)
(I ... I run away!)
I am turning around
I am Turning Around
Я поворачиваю то,
I turn
What's inside of you, inside of me
What's Inside of You, Inside of Me
Что внутри тебя, внутри меня.
What is inside you, inside me.
(I'm-I'm running away)
(I'M-I'M Running Away)
(Я... Я убегаю!)
(I ... I run away!)
I've lost all I've got
I've lost all i've got
Я потерял всё, что имел,
I lost everything I had
My self anyway
My Self Anyway
Так или иначе, и себя тоже.
One way or another, and yourself too.
I still miss the smell from the smoke of your ashtray
I Still Miss The Smell from the Smoke of Your AshTray
Я всё ещё скучаю по запаху дыма из твоей пепельницы,
I still miss the smell of smoke from your ashtray,
Give me a sign to show me the way
Give Me a Sign to Show Me The Way
Дай мне знак, чтобы показать мне путь.
Give me a sign to show me the way.
I promise to change and I'll just take the blame for you
I Promise to Change and i'll Just Take The Blame for You
Я обещаю измениться, я возьму на себя вину за тебя.
I promise to change, I will take the blame for you.
Feels like I'm lost in space
Feels Like i'm Lost in Space
Я будто потерялся в пространстве,
As if I were lost in space
The past became my casket nails
The Past Became My Casket Nails
Прошлое стало гвоздями в крышке моего гроба.
The past became nails in the lid of my coffin.
Can I fix it by another way
Can i fix it by Another Way
Могу ли я исправить это иным способом?
Can I fix this in a different way?
(The scars will shape you from the inside)
(The Scars Will Shape You from the Inside)
(Шрамы формируют тебя изнутри!)
(Scars form you from the inside!)
I am turning around
I am Turning Around
Я поворачиваю то,
I turn
What's inside of you, inside of me
What's Inside of You, Inside of Me
Что внутри тебя, внутри меня.
What is inside you, inside me.
(I'm-I'm running away)
(I'M-I'M Running Away)
(Я... Я убегаю!)
(I ... I run away!)
I am turning around
I am Turning Around
Я поворачиваю то,
I turn
What's inside of you, inside of me
What's Inside of You, Inside of Me
Что внутри тебя, внутри меня.
What is inside you, inside me.
(I'm-I'm running away)
(I'M-I'M Running Away)
(Я... Я убегаю!)
(I ... I run away!)
I don't know why you're running away
I Donat Know Who You're Running Away
Я не знаю, почему ты убегаешь,
I don't know why you are running away
The scars will shape you from the inside
The Scars Will Shape You from the Inside
Шрамы сформируют тебя изнутри!
Scars will form you from the inside!
I don't know why you're feeling dismay
I Donat Know Why You're Feeling Dismamy
Я не знаю, почему ты чувствуешь страх,
I don't know why you feel fear
The scars will shame you from the outside
The Scars Will Shame You from the Outside
Шрамы опозорят тебя изнутри!
Scars will disgrace you from the inside!
Once again you turned your back on me
Once Again You Turned Your Back on Me
Ты снова повернулась ко мне спиной,
You turned back to me again
I'll never be the one that you want me to be
I'll Never Be the One That You Want Me to Be
Я никогда не буду тем, кем ты хочешь меня видеть!
I will never be who you want to see me!
I become the devil within
I become the devil with
Внутри я становлюсь дьяволом,
Inside I become the devil,
I control everything and just turn the inside out
I CONTROL EVERYTHING and Just Turn the Inside Out
Я всё контролирую и просто выпускаю его наружу,
I control everything and just release it out,
I know I feel what I feel
I Know I Feel What I Feel
Я знаю, что я чувствую,
I know how I feel
Every part of you becomes a part of me
EVERY PART of You Becomes A Part of Me
Каждая твоя часть становится частью меня.
Each of your part becomes part of me.
I will change the way that I am
I Will Change the Way that I am
Я изменю путь, по которому следую,
I will change the path that follows,
I wanna feel my own self again
I Wanna Feel My Own Self AGain
Я снова хочу почувствовать себя.
I want to feel myself again.
Break these chains, so can you hear me
Break these chains, so can you hear me
Разбиваю эти цепи, теперь ты меня слышишь?
I break these chains, now you hear me?
Sometimes beginnings start with an end
Sometimes Beginning Start with An end
Иногда начинания берут старт с конца...
Sometimes undertakings take a start from the end ...
I don't know why you're running away
I Donat Know Who You're Running Away
Я не знаю, почему ты убегаешь,
I don't know why you are running away
The scars will shape you from the inside
The Scars Will Shape You from the Inside
Шрамы сформируют тебя изнутри!
Scars will form you from the inside!
I don't know why you're feeling dismay
I Donat Know Why You're Feeling Dismamy
Я не знаю, почему ты чувствуешь страх,
I don't know why you feel fear
The scars will shame you from the outside
The Scars Will Shame You from the Outside
Шрамы опозорят тебя изнутри!
Scars will disgrace you from the inside!
I am turning around
I am Turning Around
Я поворачиваю то,
I turn
What's inside of you, inside of me
What's Inside of You, Inside of Me
Что внутри тебя, внутри меня.
What is inside you, inside me.
(I'm-I'm running away)
(I'M-I'M Running Away)
(Я... Я убегаю!)
(I ... I run away!)
I am turning around
I am Turning Around
Я поворачиваю то,
I turn
What's inside of you, inside of me
What's Inside of You, Inside of Me
Что внутри тебя, внутри меня.
What is inside you, inside me.
(I'm-I'm running away)
(I'M-I'M Running Away)
(Я... Я убегаю!)
(I ... I run away!)
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