FoLkPro - BIKELIFE - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни FoLkPro - BIKELIFE
Это bikelife baby!
This is Bikelife Baby!
Это мой bikelife это мой стрит
This is my bikelife this is my street
3 метра занос я делаю хлыст
3 meters skid I make a whip
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Fly fly)
(Fly Fly)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(All right)
(All Right)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Lets go ride)
(Lets Go Ride)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
Это мой bikelife это мой стрит
This is my bikelife this is my street
3 метра занос я делаю хлыст
3 meters skid I make a whip
Детка, пойми, я люблю этот риск
Baby, understand, I love this risk
Скольжу на лайте мимо полис (Оу щит)
I glue the policy (oh shield)
Притяжения здесь нет у земли
There is no attraction here
Натяжение на моей цепи
Tension on my chain
12 o'clock gang вот он девиз
12 o'Clock gang here he is a motto
Я поднял его и тут же завис (фриз)
I picked it up and immediately hovered (frieze)
Колесо вверх ман это дыбы
Wheel up manly is the draw
Суета в городе это всё мы
Fuss in the city is all of us
На улицах качаем свой скил
On the streets we download your skille
Как ты чувствуешь лютый русский стриткилл (стиль)
How do you feel fierce Russian stritkin (style)
Воздуха свежий глоток
Air is a fresh sip
На задней покрышке режу поток (уп)
On the back tire I cut a stream (UP)
Горячий асфальт я на нём каток (данжа)
Hot asphalt I am on it a rink (Danzha)
Среди дорог опасный игрок
Among the roads a dangerous player
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Fly fly)
(Fly Fly)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(All right)
(All Right)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Lets go ride)
(Lets Go Ride)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Уп уп)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
Это то, что мы мутим daily
This is that we mutate daily
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
Это то, что мы мутим daily
This is that we mutate daily
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
Это то, что мы мутим daily
This is that we mutate daily
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
Да это то, что мы мутим daily
Yes, this is what we mutate daily
Это мой bikelife это мой стрит
This is my bikelife this is my street
(Gang gang gang)
(Gang gang gang)
На улицах качаем свой скил
On the streets we download your skille
3 метра занос я делаю хлыст
3 meters skid I make a whip
(Уп уп go go)
(UP to go go)
Обода на дыбах, жопа в седле
Rim on the hids, ass in the saddle
(High high one wheel)
(High High One Wheel)
Пролетаю с ветром эти посты
I fly with the wind these posts
Мне не нужны тупо эти хвосты
I don't need these tails stupidly
Я скажу тебе, как лучше быть
I'll tell you how best to be
Со мной мои джи тебе лучше остыть
You better cool with me
Мы пишем сюжеты для X Games
We write plots for X Games
На этих эндзах делаем флейм
On these ends we make flames
Хммм чё там по спонсорам?
Hmmm what are there for sponsors?
У меня много дрипа, стиль и много соуса
I have a lot of drips, style and a lot of sauce
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Fly fly)
(Fly Fly)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(All right)
(All Right)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Lets go ride)
(Lets Go Ride)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Уп уп It's a bike It's a bike It's a bike It's a bike)
(UP to it's a bike it's a bike it's a bike it's a bike)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Fly fly)
(Fly Fly)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(All right)
(All Right)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
(Lets go ride)
(Lets Go Ride)
It's a bikelife baby
It's a Bikelife Baby
Обода обода
Rim of the rim
Обода обода
Rim of the rim
Обода на дыбах, жопа в седле.
Riming on the lums, ass in the saddle.
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