Get On My Horse - Amazing Horse - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Get On My Horse

Название песни: Amazing Horse

Дата добавления: 07.06.2024 | 00:56:20

Просмотров: 1

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Get On My Horse - Amazing Horse


Look at my horse,
Look at my horse,
my horse is amazing
My horse is amazing
Give it a lick
Give it a lick
Mmm, It tastes just like raisins
MMM, It Tastes Just Like Raisins

Have a stroke of its mane
Have a Stroke of its mane
It turns into a plane
It Turns into a plane
and then it turns back again
And The IT Turns Back AGain
When you tug on its winky
Wen you tug on its winky
Ohh that's dirty
Ohh that's dirty

Do you think think so?
Do you think Think So?
Well I'd better not show you
Well i'd Better Not Show You
where the lemonade is made
What the Lemonade Is Made
Sweet lemonade
Sweet Lemonade
Mmm sweet lemonade
MMM Sweet Lemonade

Sweet lemonade
Sweet Lemonade
Yeah sweet lemonade
Yeah Sweet Lemonade

Get on my horse
Get on my horse
I'll take you 'round the universe
I'll Take You 'Round the University
And all the other places too
And all the other plces too

I think you'll find that the universe
I Think You'll Find that University
pretty much covers everything
Pretty Much Covers EVERYTHING
Shut up woman get on my horse!
Shut Up Woman Get on My Horse!


- Посмотри на мою лошадь,
- Look at my horse
моя лошадь удивительна!
My horse is amazing!
Давай, оближи её
Come on, lick her
- Ммм, на вкус как изюм
- mmm, tasted like raisins

Погладив его гриву
Strokeing his mane
Она превращается в самолет
She turns into a plane
И затем превратится обратно если тащишь его за член
And then it will turn back if you drag him by the member
- Фуу он грязный
- Fuu he is dirty

Ты действительно так думаешь?
Do you really think so?

Ладно, лучше не надо показывать тебе
Okay, it’s better not to show you
Где сделан лимонад
Where the lemonade is made
Сладкий лимонад
Sweet lemonade
МММ лимонад сладкий
Mmm lemonade is sweet
Сладкий лимонад
Sweet lemonade
Да сладкий лимонад
Yes, sweet lemonade

Садись на мою лошадь
Sit on my horse
Я возьму прокачу тебя вокруг вселенной
I'll take it to pump you around the universe
И в других местах тоже прокачу
And in other places I will also pump

- Я думаю, ты ведь знаешь что вселенная
- I think you know that the universe
окружает все
surrounds everything

- Заткнись женщина и садись на лошадь!
- Shut up a woman and sit on a horse!