Global Despair - Flame Of Revolt - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Global Despair - Flame Of Revolt
Shoot! And we have killed the slayer
Shoot! And we have Killed the Slayer
(Выстрел! И палач убит!)
(Shot! And the executioner is killed!)
Shoot! Another guard has been done
Shoot! Another Guard Has Been Done
(Выстрел! Очередной стражник пал!)
(Shot! The next guard fell!)
Torches are lighted
Torches are Lighted
(Огни зажжены)
(Lights lit)
We have started a riot, riot, riot!
We have Started a Riot, Riot, Riot!
(Мы начинаем наш бунт!)
(We start our riot!)
Crush, kill, destroy
Crush, Kill, Destroy
(Круши, убивай, уничтожай)
(Krushi, kill, destroy)
It’s a revenge for the years of slavery
It’s a Revenge for the Years of Slavery
(Это месть за годы рабства)
(This is revenge over the years of slavery)
Hang’em, shoot’em, stab’em
Hang’em, Shoot’em, Stab’em
(Вешай, стреляй, коли)
(Bel, shoot, if)
They will burn in flame
They Will Burn in Flame
(Они сгорят в пламени)
(They will burn in flame)
Crust of their skulls
Crust of Their Skulls
(Хруст их черепов)
(Crunch of their skulls)
Is making the witchfinder really scared
IS Making the Witchfinder REALLY SCARED
(Серьёзно пугает инквизитора)
(Seriously scares the inquisitor)
He's trying to run
He's Trying to Run
(Он пытается удрать)
(He is trying to escape)
But it's too late
But it
(Но слишком поздно)
(But too late)
Crush, kill, destroy
Crush, Kill, Destroy
(Круши, убивай, уничтожай)
(Krushi, kill, destroy)
It’s a revenge for the years of slavery
It’s a Revenge for the Years of Slavery
(Это месть за годы рабства)
(This is revenge over the years of slavery)
Hang’em, shoot’em, stab’em
Hang’em, Shoot’em, Stab’em
(Вешай, стреляй, коли)
(Bel, shoot, if)
They will burn in flame
They Will Burn in Flame
(Они сгорят в пламени)
(They will burn in flame)
We’re going to the palace
We’re Going to the Palace
(Мы бежим во дворец)
(We run to the palace)
And killing every coward
(Убивая каждого труса)
(Killing every coward)
Everyone will be revenged
EVERYONE Will Be Revenged
(Каждый будет отомщён)
(Everyone will be avenged)
Everyone will be revenged
EVERYONE Will Be Revenged
(Каждый будет отомщён)
(Everyone will be avenged)
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