Grey Heaven Fall - That Nail In A Heart - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Grey Heaven Fall

Название песни: That Nail In A Heart

Дата добавления: 14.12.2023 | 14:00:12

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Grey Heaven Fall - That Nail In A Heart

Падение во мрак подобно глотку Истины.
Falling into darkness is like a sip of Truth.
Как знак, что безмолвно мне приказал напасть
Like a sign that silently ordered me to attack
На образ Господа, теряющего власть.
To the image of the Lord losing power.
Я утопаю в пустоте, что внутри меня
I'm drowning in the emptiness that's inside of me
Холодным безумием расползлась,
Spread with cold madness,
Обезобразила и осквернила то, что я осмелился презирать.
Disfigured and desecrated what I dared to despise.
Я чувствовал, как цветет во мне
I felt it blooming inside me
Червивое древо скорби, и я оберегал его,
The wormy tree of sorrow, and I protected it,
Оградив куполом удушающей тревоги,
Protected by a dome of suffocating anxiety,
В беспокойстве я славил падение свое.
In anxiety I glorified my fall.
Покуда был я одержим
While I was obsessed
Абсурдным погружением в бескрайность пустоты...
An absurd plunge into the vastness of emptiness...

Мертв в груди Господь и серый рай его пал,
The Lord is dead in his chest and his gray paradise has fallen,
И на его могиле я воздвигну храм
And on his grave I will build a temple
Темного завета, где я в страдании ответ искал:
The dark covenant, where in suffering I sought the answer:
Ты меня иль я тебя, Господь, создал?
Did you create me or did I you, Lord?

Я низвергаю черное пламя ненависти на алтарь Творца
I cast down the black flame of hatred on the altar of the Creator
Я - Его черная Болезнь.
I am His black Disease.
Я гвоздь в своем сердце.
I am a nail in my heart.
Я славлю хаотичный танец червей
I praise the chaotic dance of worms
В остывшей плоти Христа.
In the cold flesh of Christ.
Я - хранитель боли в невинных сердцах,
I am the keeper of pain in innocent hearts
Пригвожденных к черному гробу Творца.
Nailed to the black coffin of the Creator.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------

6. That Nail in a Heart
6. That Nail in a Heart

Falling down into the dark is equal to the gulp of Truth,
Falling down into the dark is equal to the gulp of Truth,
As a sign you to order silently me to attack
As a sign you to order silently me to attack
God’s sacred image, which is losing His power.
God's sacred image, which is losing His power.
I am drowning in the emptiness,
I am drowning in the emptiness,
Which has crawled away as cold insanity inside me.
Which has crawled away as cold insanity inside me.
And disfigured and defiled the things I dare despise.
And disfigured and defiled the things I dare despise.
I felt the worm-eaten tree of grief blooming in me.
I felt the worm-eaten tree of grief blooming in me.
I was protecting it.
I was protecting it.
By having enclosed with the dome of suffocating disquiet,
By having enclosed with the dome of suffocating disquiet,
in the alarm I famed my falling.
in the alarm I famed my falling.
While I was possessed with absurd immersion
While I was possessed with absurd immersion
Into the boundless emptiness…
Into the boundless emptiness…

God is dead in chest and his gray paradise fell.
God is dead in chest and his gray paradise fell.
I shall raise the temple of the dark covenant on His grave
I shall raise the temple of the dark covenant on His grave
Where I was looking for the answers in suffering:
Where I was looking for the answers in suffering:
Who was the Creator, you or me?
Who was the Creator, you or me?

I overthrow black flame of hatred to the alter of Creator
I overthrow black flame of hatred to the alter of Creator
I am His black disease. I am the nail in my heart.
I am His black disease. I am the nail in my heart.
I glorify chaotic dance of worms in Jesus’s cold flesh.
I glorify chaotic dance of worms in Jesus’s cold flesh.
I am a keeper of pain in innocent hearts,
I am a keeper of pain in innocent hearts,
Which were nailed down to the black coffin of the Creator.
Which were nailed down to the black coffin of the Creator.
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