HIM - Hearts At War - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: HIM

Название песни: Hearts At War

Дата добавления: 06.08.2024 | 10:34:12

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни HIM - Hearts At War

Воюющие сердца (перевод Andrews)
Warring hearts (Andrews translation)

So, after all that we have done
SO, AFTER All that We have Done
Теперь, после всего, что мы наделали,
Now, after all that we have done,
Are you feeling cold, like the winter sun,
Are you Feeling Cold, Like the Winter Sun,
Ты чувствуешь себя холодной, как зимнее солнце?
Do you feel cold like the winter sun?
And have you thought about all the words that we left unsaid
And have you thumbhht all The Words that We Left Unsaid
Подумала ли обо всех словах, что мы не сказали друг другу?
Did I think about all the words that we did not say to each other?
Don't be scared
Donmet Be Scared
Не бойся,
Don't be afraid,
You shouldn't be
You Shouldn '
Ни к чему бояться...
To be afraid of anything ...

Hearts at war, drunk on dreams
Hearts at War, Drunk on Dreams
Воюющие сердца, опьяненные мечтами
Warring hearts intoxicated by dreams
Of all that's been lost now let them bleed
Of all that's been lost now let them Bleed
О том, что теперь потеряно. Так пусть они истекают кровью,
About what is now lost. So let them bleed,
Just let them
Just let them
Let be...

Run away as far as you can
RUN AWAY as Far as You Can
Убегай как можно дальше
Run as far as possible
And hide behind all the promises
And Hide Behind All the Promisses
И прячься за своими обещаниями,
And hide behind your promises,
But I'll find you, cause you are of fire
But i'll find you, CAUSE You Are of Fire
Я всё равно найду тебя, ведь ты сделана из огня,
I will find you anyway, because you are made of fire,
And I'm the rain
And i'm the rain
А я - из дождя.
And I am from the rain.
Don't be afraid
Donmet Be Afraid
Не бойся...
Don't be afraid...

Hearts at war, drunk on dreams
Hearts at War, Drunk on Dreams
Воюющие сердца, опьяненные мечтами
Warring hearts intoxicated by dreams
Of all that's been lostt now let them bleed
Of all that's been lostt now let the Bleed
О том, что теперь потеряно. Так пусть они истекают кровью -
About what is now lost. So let them bleed -
Hearts at war for a thing called love
Hearts at War for a Thing Called Love
Сердца, воюющие за то, что называется любовью.
Hearts fighting for what is called love.
And there's no escaping
And there's no escaping
И нам не избежать того,
And we cannot avoid
What we have brought upon ourselves again
What We have Brous Upon Ourselves AGain
Что мы снова навлекли на себя.
That we brought to ourselves again.

There's no way I'll pay
Я ни за что не стану платить.
I will never pay for anything.
We've brought this upon ourselves again.
We've Brown This Upon Ourselves AGain.
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