Hans Zimmer - Bryan Adams - Sound The Bugle - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Hans Zimmer - Bryan Adams - Sound The Bugle
Труби в горн скорее, дуй ради меня,
A pipe in a horn is more likely to blow for me,
Помнишь, каким я был раньше?
Remember what I was before?
Теперь я не могу двигаться дальше, я не в силах даже начать,
Now I can't move on, I can’t even start,
Ничего не осталось, только пустое сердце....
There is nothing left, only an empty heart ...
Я солдат, раненый так, что мне придётся покинуть поле битвы,
I am a soldier wounded so that I have to leave the battlefield,
Для меня больше ничего не осталось, проведите меня...
Nothing else is left for me, spend me ...
Или оставьте лежать здесь...
Or leave to lie here ...
Труби в горн скорее, скажи им, что мне всё равно.
The pipe in the horn is more likely, tell them that I do not care.
Нет больше той дороги, способной привести куда угодно...
There is no longer that road that can bring anywhere ...
Без света я боюсь оступиться в темноте,
Without light, I'm afraid to stumble in the dark
Ложись рядом со мной, ведь дальше некуда идти....
Lie down next to me, because there is nowhere to go further ...
Тогда с небес, откуда-то издалека,
Then from heaven, from somewhere from afar,
Позовёт тебя голос и скажет "Помни кто ты!"
A voice will call you and say "Remember who you are!"
Если ты заблудишься, то храбрость покинет тебя,
If you get lost, then courage will leave you
Так что будь сильным! И помни КТО ТЫ!...
So be strong! And remember who you are! ...
Да, ты теперь солдат, сражающийся в бою, чтобы вновь стать свободным,
Yes, you are now a soldier fighting in battle to become free again,
Да, ради этого стоит бороться....
Yes, for this it is worth fighting ...
Sound the bugle now, play it just for me,
Sound the Bugle Now, Play it Just for Me,
As the seasons changed, remember how I used to be,
As the Seasons Changed, Remember How I Used to Be,
Now I cant go on, I cant even start,
Now I Cant GO On, I Cant Even Start,
I got nothing left, just a empty heart.
I Got Nothing Left, Just AMPTY HeART.
I'm a soldier, wounded so I most give up the fight,
I'M a Soldier, Wounded So I Most Give Up the Fight,
There is nothing more, for me, lead me away....
There is notching more, for me, lead me away ....
Or leave me laying here....
Or leave me Laying Geere ...
Sound the bugle now, tell them I don’t care,
Sound the Bugle Now, Tell Them I Don’t Care,
There is not a road I know, that leads to anywhere,
There is not a rooad i know, that leads to Anywhere,
Without a lighter, fear that I will stumble in the dark,
Without a Lighter, Fear that I Will Stumble in the Dark,
Lay right down the side, not to go on....
Lay Right Down the Side, Not to Go on ....
Then from on high, somewhere in the distance, there is
The From on High, Somewhere in the Distance, There is
A voice that calls remember who you are,
A voice that Calls Remember Who You Are,
If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow,
IF YOU Lose Yourself, YOUR COURAGE SOON Will Follow,
So be strong tonight.... Remember who you are....
So be Strong Tonight ...
Yeah, you are a soldier now, fighting in a battle, to be free once more
Yeah, You are a Soldier Now, Fighting in a Battle, to be free once more
Yeah thats what fighting for....
Yeah Thats What Fighting for ...
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