Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai OP - Shimamiya Eiko - Naraku no Hana - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai OP - Shimamiya Eiko

Название песни: Naraku no Hana

Дата добавления: 20.05.2023 | 04:30:08

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai OP - Shimamiya Eiko - Naraku no Hana

Naraku Hana
Naraku Hana

Saa wasuremashou sono mirai ga
SAA Wasuremashou Sono Mirai Ga
Оставь все мысли о том, что будет впереди
Leave all thoughts about what will be ahead

Mata chinurarete yuku nante
Mata Chinurate Yuku Nante
Хотя ты знаешь, что кровь ждёт нас на пути
Although you know that blood is waiting for us in the way

Namanurui kaze toguro wo maitara
Namanuri Kaze Toguro Wo Maitara
Когда живое тепло спиралью закрутит мрак

Sore ga tabun aizu...
Sore Ga Tabun Aizu ...
Подумай: а вдруг... это знак?
Think: what if ... is it a sign?

Nukedashitette nukedashitette
NukeDashitette Nukedashitte
Убегая в ночь, убегая в ночь
Running away at night, running away at night

Kanashi sugiru unmei kara
Kanashi Sugiru Unmei Kara
От печальной судьбы ты стремишься прочь
From a sad fate, you strive away

Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Чтобы в себе Преисподней цветок превозмочь
So that the sufferers are overcome in the underworld

Sonna basho de
Sonna Basho de
И на этой земле
And on this earth

Sakanaide sakanaide
Sakanaide Sakanaide
Он не зацветёт, он не зацветёт,
He will not bloom, he will not bloom,

Karame torarete ikanaide
KARAME Torarete Ikanaide
Если в гонке тебе немного повезёт
If you are a little lucky in the race

Otomo naku tobikau toki no kakera
Otomo Naku Tobikau Toki No Kakera
И вечные часы замедлят обратный свой отсчёт
And the eternal clock will slow down their return count

Dare ga kono te wo nigitte iru no?
Dare Ga Kono Te Wo Nigitte Iru no?
Кто-то коснётся руки, сожмёт твою ладонь...
Someone will touch his hands, squeeze your palm ...

Dare ga kono kami wo nadete iru no?
Dare Ga Kono Kami Wo Nadete Iru no?
Кто-то из алого льда вновь разведёт огонь...
Someone from scarlet ice will divorce fire again ...

Ima naiteita moegi no naka de
Ima naiteita moegi no naka de
И ты под пенье цикад решающий сделай шаг:
And you decide to take a step under the singing of cicades:

Kanjiteru aizu...
Kanjiteru Aizu ...
Быть может, наш мир – это знак
Perhaps our world is a sign

Tobikoetette tobikoetette
Tobikoetette tobikoette
Убегая в ночь, убегая в ночь
Running away at night, running away at night

Unmei no haguruma kara
Unmei no haguruma kara
От повторов судьбы ты стремишься прочь
From the repetitions of fate, you strive away

Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Чтобы в себе Преисподней цветок превозмочь.
In order to overcome the sufferer in the underworld.

Sonna basho de
Sonna Basho de
И на этой земле
And on this earth

Chiranaide chiranaide
Chiranaide ChiRanaide
Лепестки закрой, лепестки закрой –
Close the petals, close the petals -

Soshite tane wo nokosanaide
Soshite Tane Wo Nokosanaide
Если хочешь остаться в этот раз живой
If you want to stay this time alive

Me wo daseba futatabi mawaru KARUMA
Me Wo Daseba Futatabi Mawaru Karuma
То смерти семена отсюда ты унеси с собой.
Then take away the death of the seeds from here.

Nukedashitette nukedashitette
NukeDashitette Nukedashitte
Убегая в ночь, убегая в ночь,
Running away at night, running away at night

Kanashi sugiru unmei kara
Kanashi Sugiru Unmei Kara
От печальной судьбы ты стремишься прочь,
From a sad fate, you strive away

Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Anata wa naraku no hana ja nai
Чтобы в себе Преисподней цветок превозмочь.
In order to overcome the sufferer in the underworld.

Sonna basho de
Sonna Basho de
И на этой земле
And on this earth

Sakanaide sakanaide
Sakanaide Sakanaide
Он не зацветёт, он не зацветёт,
He will not bloom, he will not bloom,

Karame torarete ikanaide
KARAME Torarete Ikanaide
Если в гонке тебе немного повезёт
If you are a little lucky in the race

Otomo naku tobikau toki no kakera
Otomo Naku Tobikau Toki No Kakera
И вечные часы замедлят обратный свой отсчёт
And the eternal clock will slow down their return count

Перевод на английский
Translation into English
--------------------------------------------- ----

Come now, let us forget that our future will
Come Now, Let Us Forget that Oour Future Will
once again be splattered with blood.
Once Again Be Splatted with Blood.
When the mild wind coils around you,
When the Mild Wind Coils Around You,
that is surely a sign
that is surely a sign

Saying run away, saying run away
Saying Run Away, Saying Run Away
From your far too tragic destiny
From your your far too tragic desstiny
You are not a flower from Hell
You are not a flower from helm
In a place like that
In a place Like that
Do not bloom, do not bloom
Do not Bloom, Do Not Bloom
Don't get seized and taken away
Donmet Get Seized and Taken Away

The silently fluttering shards of time
The Silently Fluttering Shards of Time

Who has my hand in their grasp?
Who has my hand in their Grasp?
Who has my hair between their fingers?
Who has my hair between their finners?
The sprout that just cried, deep inside
The Sprout that Just Cried, Deep Inside
It can feel a sign
IT Can Feel A Sign

Saying fly beyond, saying fly beyond
Saying Fly Beyond, Saying Fly Beyond
Away from the cogs of destiny
Away from the Cogs of Destiny
You are not a flower from Hell
You are not a flower from helm
In a place like that
In a place Like that
Do not scatter, do not scatter
Do Not Scatter, Do Not Scatter
and don't leave any seeds behind
And Donat Leave Any Seeds Behind

If they sprout, the karma will return to you.
IF They Sprout, The Karma Will Return to You.

Saying run away, saying run away
Saying Run Away, Saying Run Away
From your far too tragic destiny
From your your far too tragic desstiny
You are not a flower from Hell.
You are not a fluer from Hell.
In a place like that
In a place Like that
Do not bloom, do not bloom
Do not Bloom, Do Not Bloom
Don't get seized and taken away
Donmet Get Seized and Taken Away

The silently fluttering shards of time
The Silently Fluttering Shards of Time
Точный перевод на русский (без рифмы)
Accurate translation into Russian (without rhyme)

Пойдем, забудем о том, что будущее -
Let's go, forget that the future is
Снова окрасится в багровый цвет крови.
Again it will be stained in the crimson color of the blood.
Когда тот теплый прибой поднимется в бурю
When that warm surf rises into a storm
...Возможно для нас - это знак
... perhaps for us - this is a sign
Убегай скорей, убегай скорей
Run away soon, run away soon
От своей разрывающей сердце судьбы
From his tearing heart of fate
Ты ведь вовсе не цветок преисподней
You are not a flower of the underworld at all
Не цвети же ты
Do not bloom
Ты свободна, и не должна быть поймана
You are free and should not be caught

Осколки времени летят беззвучно мимо нас
Fragments of time fly soundlessly past us