Horde - Silence the Blasphemous Chanting - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Horde - Silence the Blasphemous Chanting
In the clearing
In the Clearing
A soft glow is seen
A Soft Glow is Seen
Burning embers amidst an evil gathering
Burning Embers Amidst An Evil Gathering
Closer still
Closer Still
A murmering drone echoes
A murmeing drone echoes
Through the once tranquil forest
Through The Once Tranquil Forest
Chants of devilish blashphemy
Chants of Devilish Blashphemy
Are heard from the gathering
Are heard from the gathering
Voices raised to the ancient serpent
Voices Raid to the Ancient Serpent
With delight and disgust he listens
With Delight and Disgust He Listens
Appalled by ignorant summoning
Appalled by Ignorant Summoning
He knows their fate if the
He Knows Their Fate if the
Evil deeds should remain
Evil Deeds Shoup Remain
The chanting must cease
The Chanating Must Cease
Their mouths must no longer
Their Mouths Must No Longer
Bring forth profane utterance
Bring Forth Profane Utterance
Silence the blasphemous chanting
Silence The Blassphemous Chanating
Diabolical summoning be still
Diabolical Summoning Be Still
Unholy chants
Still the echoes
Still The Echoes
Nocturnal silence
A blanket of peace covers the forest
A Blanket of Peace Covers The Forest
Return to tranquility
Return to Trainquile
На поляне мягкое свечение заметно:
In the clearing, a soft glow is noticeable:
Горят угли среди зловещего собрания.
The coals are burning among the ominous meeting.
Проносится невнятное гудящее эхо
A slurred buzzing echo flashes
Сквозь лес, что был когда-то тихим.
Through the forest that was once quiet.
Песни дьявольского богохульства
Songs of the devilish blasphemy
Доносятся от этого собрания.
They come from this meeting.
Голоса возносятся к Древнему Змею;
The voices are offered to the ancient snake;
С довольством и презрением он слушает.
With contentment and contempt, he listens.
Потрясённый невежественным воззванием,
Shocked by an ignorant appeal,
Он знает участь их,
He knows their fate,
Если злодеяния продолжатся.
If the atrocities continue.
Итак… пение должно быть прекращено.
So ... singing should be stopped.
Их уста больше не должны
Their mouth should no longer
Впредь изрекать языческие фразы.
From now on, to call pagan phrases.
Замолкни, пенье богохульное,
Turn up, godly singing,
Воззванье к Дьяволу, затихни!
An appeal to the devil, subside!
Нечистые пения оборваны,
Unclean singing is cut off
Угасло эхо в ночной тиши,
The echo faded in the night silence,
Покров покоя лес укутал,
The forest wrapped the cover of rest,
И вновь вернулась тишина.
And again the silence returned.
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