Howard Higashi - Zion - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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Псалом 48
Psalm 48
Песня; псалом сыновей Корея
Song; psalm of the sons of Korah
1 Велик Иегова
1 Great is Jehovah
И достоин большой хвалы
And worthy of great praise
В городе нашего Бога,
In the city of our God,
На Его святой горе.
On His holy mountain.
2 Прекрасна на возвышении,
2 Beautiful on high ground,
Радость всей земли
Joy of the whole earth
Гора Сион — стороны севера,
Mount Zion - sides of the north,
Город великого Царя.
City of the Great King.
3 Бог дал узнать Себя
3 God made Himself known
В его дворцах как высокое прибежище.
In his palaces as a high refuge.
4 Ибо вот, собрались цари;
4 For behold, the kings are assembled;
Прошли все вместе мимо.
We all passed by together.
5 Они увидели, поэтому они изумились,
5 They saw, therefore they were amazed,
Испугались, в смятении поспешили прочь.
They got scared and hurried away in confusion.
6 Трепет охватил их там;
6 Trembling seized them there;
Судороги, как у женщины при родах;
Convulsions, as in a woman during childbirth;
7 Восточным ветром
7 East wind
Ты разбил Корабли Фарсиса.
You destroyed the Ships of Tarshish.
8 Как мы слышали,
8 As we have heard,
Так мы и увидели
That's what we saw
В городе Иеговы воинств,
In the city of Jehovah of armies,
В городе нашего Бога.
In the city of our God.
Бог утвердит его навеки. Села
God will establish it forever. Sela
9 Мы размышляем, Боже, о Твоей любовной заботе Посреди Твоего храма.
9 We meditate, O God, on Your loving care in the midst of Your temple.
10 Как Твоё имя, Боже,
10 What is your name, O God?
Так и Твоя хвала —
So is Your praise -
До концов земли;
To the ends of the earth;
Твоя правая рука полна праведности.
Your right hand is full of righteousness.
11 Пусть радуется гора Сион;
11 Let Mount Zion rejoice;
Пусть ликуют дочери Иуды
Let the daughters of Judah rejoice
Из-за Твоих судов.
Because of Your judgments.
12 Обойдите Сион и пройдите вокруг него; Сосчитайте его башни.
12 Go around Zion and go around it; Count its towers.
13 Внимательно осмотрите его укреплённые стены;
13 Look carefully at its fortified walls;
Пройдите между его дворцами,
Walk between his palaces,
Чтобы рассказать это последующему поколению. 14 Ибо этот Бог — наш Бог во веки и веки.
To tell this to the next generation. 14 For this God is our God forever and ever.
Он будет направлять нас до самой смерти.
He will guide us until we die.
Псалом 133
Psalm 133
Песня восхождений. Давида
Song of ascents. David
1 Вот, как хорошо и как приятно
1 This is how good and how pleasant it is
Братьям жить в единстве!
Brothers live in unity!
2 Это как хорошее масло на голове,
2 It's like good oil on your head,
Стёкшее на бороду,
Dripping down my beard
Бороду Аарона,
Aaron's beard
Стёкшее на подол его одежд;
Dripping onto the hem of his clothes;
3 Как роса Ермона,
3 Like the dew of Hermon,
Сошедшая на горы Сиона.
Descended upon the mountains of Zion.
Ибо там Иегова заповедал благословение:
For there Jehovah commanded the blessing:
Жизнь навеки.
Life forever.
Евр. 12:22-23
Heb. 12:22-23
22 А вы приступили к горе Сион и к городу живого Бога, небесному Иерусалиму; и к мириадам ангелов, всеобщему собранию;
22 And you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem; and to the myriads of angels, the universal assembly;
23 И к церкви первородных, записанных на небесах; и к Богу, Судье всех; и к духам праведников, сделанных совершенными.
23 And to the church of the firstborn, who are written in heaven; and to God, the Judge of all; and to the spirits of the righteous, made perfect.
1. Zion is God’s habitation.
1. Zion is God’s habitation.
Sing praises in Zion,
Sing praises in Zion,
The city of our King.
The city of our King.
Zion, the place of His choosing
Zion, the place of His choosing
Where saints are rejoicing.
Where saints are rejoicing.
Here God is their salvation.
Here God is their salvation.
Beautiful Zion,
Beautiful Zion,
In elevation,
In elevation,
The joy of our King,
The joy of our King,
His satisfaction,
His satisfaction,
The joy of the whole earth.
The joy of the whole earth.
2. Zion: how good and how pleasant,
2. Zion: how good and how pleasant,
The greatest enjoyment!
The greatest enjoyment!
It’s like the precious ointment.
It’s like the precious ointment.
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
In oneness we’re dwelling.
In oneness we're dwelling.
The dew, oh how refreshing!
The dew, oh how refreshing!
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
How good and how pleasant,
The best enjoyment!
The best enjoyment!
Our oneness is just Him.
Our oneness is just Him.
3. Zion: our oneness a Person,
3. Zion: our oneness a Person,
As ointment, He’s moving,
As ointment, He's moving,
As dew He is descending,
As dew He is descending,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
As ointment, He’s strengthening,
As ointment, He’s strengthening,
As dew, He’s so supplying.
As dew, He’s so supplying.
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
How good and how pleasant,
Man’s satisfaction,
Man's satisfaction,
Our dwelling is this One.
Our dwelling is this One.
4. Zion: in God we’re abiding,
4. Zion: in God we're abiding,
Our oneness and living,
Our oneness and living,
The processed God, our all.
The processed God, our all.
Zion, the ultimate blessing,
Zion, the ultimate blessing,
Of God with man mingling,
Of God with man mingling,
The Triune God dispensing.
The Triune God dispensing.
Beautiful churches, the golden lampstands.
Beautiful churches, the golden lampstands.
God mingling with man;
God mingling with man;
His satisfaction,
His satisfaction,
The ultimate consummation!
The ultimate consummation!
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