Immortal - Beyond The North Waves - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Immortal - Beyond The North Waves
On many ships we have sailed
On many vessels we sailed
На многих судах мы плыли
Far Beyond The North Waves far beyond the limits of the northern waves
Far beyond the north waves Далеко за пределами Северных волн
ON THE HIGH NORTHERN SEAS in high northern seas
On the high northern seas На высоких северных морях
We Have Found Our Way We found our way
We have found our way Мы нашли наш путь
The Shadowing Voices of Our Gods Shaded Voices of Our Gods
The shadowing voices of our gods Затенёные голоса наших богов
Singing On the Calling Winds ... Singing on calling winds ...
Singing on the calling winds... Пение на зовущих ветрах ...
WHERE THE COLD WAVES AND THE LONGBOATS BROUGHT US FAR Where Waves of Cold and Barcasi will take us far
Where the cold waves and the longboats brought us far Где волны холода и баркасы унесут нас далеко
The Saga of The Warriors From Northland Saga Warriors from Northland
The saga of the warriors from northland Сага воинов из Нортленда
Speaks of Greatness and Strength talks about the greatness and strength
Speaks of greatness and strength Говорит о величии и силе
The Saga of The Warriors From Northland Saga Warriors from Northland
The saga of the warriors from northland Сага воинов из Нортленда
Are The Saga of Many Great A MAN is a saga of many great people
Are the saga of many great a man Есть сага многих великих людей
ON SEAS AGAINST The Open on the sea with open
On seas against the open На море с открытыми
We travelled on and on we drove further and then
We travelled on and on Мы ехали дальше и дальше
Through the Raging Winds Through the winds
Through the raging winds Через бушуют ветры
And Storms We Arrived and Storms We arrived
And storms we arrived И бури мы прибыли
The Shadowing Voices of Our Gods Shading to Voices of Our Gods
The shadowing voices of our gods Затенение голоса наших богов
Singing On The Calling Wind ... Singing in the Caused Wind ...
Singing on the calling wind... Пение в вызывающем ветер ...
WHERE THE COLD WAVES AND THE LONGBOATS BROUGHT US FAR Where the Waves of Cold and Barkasov brought us far
Where the cold waves and the longboats brought us far Где волны холода и баркасов принес нам далеко
With Sword in Hand I Now Stand with a sword in your hand and now I stand
With sword in hand I now stand С мечом в руке и сейчас я стою
ON MY ENEMIES LAND on my earth enemies
On my enemies land На моей земле врагов
With a Northern Heart with North Heart
With a northern heart С северной сердце
I Will Fight Until The Day I Die I will fight until I die
I will fight until the day I die Я буду бороться до того дня, когда я умру
My Time Will Be Remembered My Time It Will Be Known My Time will remember my time it will be known
My time will be remembered my time it will be known Мое время будут помнить мое время это будет известно
By My Sons by My Tribe and by The Sun The Sea and Moon on my sons of my tribe and the sun sea and the moon
By my sons by my tribe and by the sun the sea and moon По моим сыновьям моим племени и на солнце море и луна
For the WHO Battle for His Land His Pride and for His Men for who fight for their land his pride and his people
For the who battle for his land his pride and for his men Для, которые сражаются за свою землю его гордость и его люди
SHALL BE REMEMBERED AND STAND Eternally Named must keep in mind and stand forever name
Shall be remembered and stand eternally named Должны иметь в виду, и стоять вечно именем
IN THE LEGENDS OF OUR LAND in the legends of our region
In the legends of our land В легендах нашего края
Breathing in winds ... wind breath in ...
Breathing in winds... Дыхание ветра в ...
From the Essence of a Roaring Horizon from the essence of the roar of the horizon
From the essence of a roaring horizon Из сущности рев горизонта
Breathing in winds ... wind breath in ...
Breathing in winds... Дыхание ветра в ...
From the Cold Sea Call The Shores of The North from the Cold Sea Calling the Coast North
From the cold sea call the shores of the north От холодного моря вызова берегов северо
The Saga of the Warriors from Northland
The saga of the warriors from northland
Speaks of Greatness and Strength
Speaks of greatness and strength
The Saga of the Warriors from Northland
The saga of the warriors from northland
Are The Saga of Many Great A Man
Are the saga of many great a man
On seas against the open
We Travelled ON AND ON
We travelled on and on
Through the Raging Winds
Through the raging winds
And Storms We Arrived
And storms we arrived
The shadowing voices of ur gods
The shadowing voices of our gods
Singing On the Calling Wind ...
Singing on the calling wind...
Where the cold waves and the longboats brought us far
With Sword in Hand I Now Stand
With sword in hand I now stand
On my enemies land
With a northern heart
I Will Fight Until The Day I Die
I will fight until the day I die
My Time Will Be Remembered My Time It Will Be Known
My time will be remembered my time it will be known
By My Sons by My Tribe and Moon
By my sons by my tribe and by the sun the sea and moon
For the Who Battle for His Land His Pride and for His Men
For the who battle for his land his pride and for his men
Shall be remembered and stand eternally named
In the legends of ur land
In the legends of our land
Breathing In Winds ...
Breathing in winds...
From the Essence Of A Roaring Horizon
From the essence of a roaring horizon
Breathing In Winds ...
Breathing in winds...
From the Cold Sea Call The Shores of the North
From the cold sea call the shores of the north
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