In This Moment - Whore-Блудница - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни In This Moment - Whore-Блудница
Я та, о ком все твои мысли,
I am that about whom all your thoughts,
The one thing you can't live without
The One Thing You Can't Live Worthout
Единственная, без кого ты не можешь жить.
The only one, without anyone you can not live.
Yeah, I'm the girl you've been waiting for
Yeah, I'm The Girl You've Been Waiting For
Я та, кого ты ждал всё это время...
I am that who you waited all this time ...
I'll have you down on your knees
I'Ll Have You Down On Your Knees
Ты будешь стоять предо мной на коленях,
You will stand before me on your knees,
I'll have you begging for more
I'LL Have You Begging for More
Умоляя о большем...
Begging about more ...
You probably thought I wouldn't get this far
You Probably Thought I Wouldn't Get this Far
Вероятно, ты думал, что я не зайду так далеко,
You probably thought I would not go so far
You thought I'd end up in the back of a car
You Thought i'd End Up in the Back Of a Car
Что ты затащишь меня на заднее сиденье машины.
What do you take me to the back seat of the car.
You probably thought that I'd never escape
You Probably Though That I'D Never Escape
Вероятно, ты думал, что я никуда не денусь,
Probably, you thought I would never deny anywhere,
I'd be a rat in a cage, I'd be enslaved in this place
I'd Be A Rat In A Cage, I'd Be Enslaved in This Place
Что буду, как крыса в клетке, пленённая тобой.
What will be like a rat in a cage captured by you.
You don't know how hard I fought to survive
You Don't Know How Hard I Fought to Survive
Ты не знаешь, как нелегко мне было выживать,
You do not know how hard I was survived,
Waking up all alone when I was left to die
Просыпаясь в одиночестве, будучи оставленной умирать.
Waking up alone, being left to die.
And you don't know about this life I've lived
And You Don't Know About This Life i'Ve Lived
Ты ничего не знаешь о прожитой мной жизни,
You do not know anything about my life
Or these roads I've walked
Or These Roads I'Ve Walked
О пройденных дорогах,
About roads passed,
Or these deaths I've bled
Or These Deaths I'Ve Bled
О пережитых смертях...
About death experienced ...
So how can this be?
So how can this be?
Так как же это возможно?
So how is it possible?
You're praying to me
You're Praying to Me
Ты молишься на меня,
You pray for me,
There's a look in your eyes
У тебя такой взгляд -
You have such a look -
I know just what that means
I Know Just What That Means
Я знаю, что он означает...
I know what he means ...
I can be, I can be your everything...
I CAN BE, I CAN BE Your Everything ...
Я смогу, я смогу стать всем для тебя.
I can, I can become everything for you.
I can be your whore
I CAN BE Your Whore
Я могу стать твоей шл*хой,
I can be yours shl * Hoy,
I am the dark you created
I Am The Dark You Created
Я твоё жуткое творение. (1)
I am your creepy creation. (one)
I am the sinner
I Am The Sinner
Я грешница,
I'm a sinner
I am your whore
I am Your Whore
Я твоя блудница.
I am your harlot.
Let me tell you something baby
Let Me Tell You Something Baby
Позволь, я скажу тебе кое-что:
Let me tell you something:
You love me for everything you hate me for
You Love Me for Everything You Hate Me for
Ты любишь меня за то, за что и ненавидишь.
You love me for what you hate.
I'm the one that you need and fear
I'm The One That You Need and Fear
Я та, кто тебе нужен и кого ты боишься.
I am that who you need and who you are afraid.
Now that you heard this I'll be coming clear
Теперь, когда ты услышал это, я изъяснюсь понятнее:
Now, when you heard it, I scatter it clearer:
That higher judgement that you placed on me
Мысль приговорить меня к высшему наказанию
Thought to sentence me to the highest punishment
Is a reflection of the stuff I write
Тебе навязала я в своих песнях. (2)
I imposed you in my songs. (2)
So maybe next time when you cast your stones
Так, может, в следующий раз, когда ты захочешь бросить камень
So maybe next time you want to quit a stone
From the shadows and the dark unknown
From the Shadows and the Dark Unknown
Втихаря, из темноты, пока никто не видит,
Speaker, from the dark, until no one sees
You will crawl out of your hiding place
You Will Crawl Out Of Your Hiding Place
Ты выйдешь на цыпочках из своего укрытия,
You will get on tiptoe from your shelter,
Take a look in the mirror and see the truth on your face
Take A Look In The Mirror and See The Truth On Your Face
Взглянешь на себя в зеркало и узришь, кто ты на самом деле?
You will look at yourself in the mirror and seek, who are you really?
That's a look on
Взгляни на меня:
Look at me:
I am the dark you created
I Am The Dark You Created
Я твоё жуткое творение.
I am your creepy creation.
I am the sinner
I Am The Sinner
Я грешница,
I'm a sinner
I am your whore
I am Your Whore
Я твоя блудница.
I am your harlot.
Let me tell you something baby
Let Me Tell You Something Baby
Позволь, я кое-что тебе скажу:
Let me say something to you:
You love me
You love me
Ты любишь меня,
Do you love me,
You want me
You Want Me.
Ты хочешь меня,
Do you want me,
You need me
You Need Me.
Я тебе нужна.
Do you need me.
1 - дословно: Я тьма, созданная тобой
1 - Literally: I Darkness Created by You
2 - дословно: Высшее наказание, к которому ты приговорил меня, - это отражение того, что я пишу/сочиняю
2 - literally: the highest punishment to which you sentenced me is the reflection of what I write / compose
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