i-doser - PCP - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
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PCP / Recreational (INTENSE) / 35 Minutes / Our PCP simulation focuses on the sedative and anesthetic effects of PCP with potential trance-like effects, and users experiencing a feeling of being out of body and detached from their environment. It also can produce random effects with one episode producing feelings of detachment from reality, including distortions of space, time, and body image; another may produce hallucinations, panic, and fear. Some users report feelings of invulnerability and exaggerated strength. With that, this should be considered intense and expert-only.
PCP / RECREATIONAL (Intense) / 35 Minutes / Our PCP Simulation Focuses of PCP with Potential Trance-like Effects, and Users Experiencing A Feeling of Being Out Of Body and Detached from their Environment. IT ALSO CAN PRODUCE RANDOM EFFECTS WITH ONE EPISODE PRODUCING FEELINGS OF DETACHMENT FROM REALITY, INCLUDING DISTITIONS OF SPACE, TIME, AND BODY IMAGE; Another May Produce Hallucinations, Panic, and Fear. Some User Report Feelings of Invulnerability and Exaggerated Strength. With that, This Should Be Considered Intense and Expert-Only.
PCP / Места отдыха (ИНТЕНСИВНЫЙ) / 35 минут / Наш лечащий врач моделирования фокусируется на седативных и обезболивающих эффектов PCP с потенциальными транс-подобных эффектов, и пользователи испытывают ощущение того, что из тела и отделяется от окружающей их среды. Он также может производить случайные эффекты один эпизод производит чувства отрыв от реальности, в том числе искажения пространства, времени и образа тела; другой может вызвать галлюцинации, паника и страх. Некоторые пользователи сообщают чувства неуязвимости и преувеличенной силы. При том, что это следует рассматривать интенсивный и экспертно-только.
PCP / recreation sites (intensive) / 35 minutes / Our attending physician modeling focuses on sedative and painkillers PCP with potential trans-similar effects, and users experience the feeling of the body and separated from their environment. It can also produce random effects one episode produces a feeling of separation from reality, including distortion of space, time and image image; Another may cause hallucinations, panic and fear. Some users inform the feelings of invulnerability and exaggerated power. While this should be considered intense and expertly.
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