Jh Khalb123456789 - 1234rtgh - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Jh Khalb123456789 - 1234rtgh
В наушниках что-то звучит. Горячее Cолнце,
In the headphones, something sounds. Hothee
Лучи, - и плещут так звонко ручьи.
Rays, - and the streams splash so loudly.
Я вне зоны сети, и вне суматохи рутин.
I am outside the network zone, and outside the turmoil Rutin.
Увы, мы не сможем уйти от невыносимой жары.
Alas, we will not be able to get away from the unbearable heat.
И скорость лета уходит в отрыв.
And the speed of summer goes into a gap.
Лето, прошу: не спеши, - выключи турборежим.
Summer, please: do not rush, - turn off the turboja.
В деле потели по теме в прохладе под тенью,
In the case, sweat on the topic is cool under the shadow,
Но замена осенних истерик и пылкого плена.
But replacing the autumn tantrums and ardent captivity.
[Как и денег, клеют], а лето всё тлеет и тлеет.
[Like money, they glue], and summer smolders and smolders.
Но куда ему торопится?
But where is he in a hurry?
Но мои с*ки не ждали, как облака пролетали.
But my s*ki did not wait for the clouds flying.
Крутя педали, ускоряясь, как в борьбе за медали.
Pedaling, accelerating, as in the struggle for medals.
Но мне оставив в памяти детали, фото в экране;
But leaving me details in my memory, a photo in the screen;
Хотя мы оба не хотим проститься.
Although we both do not want to say goodbye.
Снова в окна бьётся лето. Жара. Светит солнце.
Summer beats in the windows again. Heat. The sun is shining.
Снова в окна бьётся лето. Жара. Светит солнце.
Summer beats in the windows again. Heat. The sun is shining.
All I wanna summer time, summer time.
All I Wanna Summer Time, Summer Time.
Running on a summer time, summer time.
Running on A Summer Time, Summer Time.
Don't forget a summer time, summer time.
Don'T Forget a Summer Time, Summer Time.
Hala to the summer time, summer time.
Hala to the Summer Time, Summer Time.
All I wanna summer time, summer time.
All I Wanna Summer Time, Summer Time.
Running on a summer time, summer time.
Running on A Summer Time, Summer Time.
Don't forget a summer time, summer time.
Don'T Forget a Summer Time, Summer Time.
Hala to the summer time, summer time.
Hala to the Summer Time, Summer Time.
А мы ваты не катали, катая по городам.
And we did not roll cotton wools, dripping around the cities.
Орали в mic, руки в зале!
They yelled at Mic, hands in the hall!
Организаторы нам забашляли, поэтому:
The organizers have fun, therefore:
Папа в Анталии, мама в Италии.
Dad in Antalya, mom in Italy.
Но знаешь, что самое главное?
But you know what is the most important thing?
Что мама научилась звонить мне по Viber'у.
That my mother learned to call me viber.
Это безумное счастье, подарить сказку тем,
This is crazy happiness, give a fairy tale
Кто в детстве читал тебе сказки.
Who in childhood read you fairy tales.
Конечно, круто свалить куда-то на море;
Of course, it is cool to dump somewhere at sea;
Но вы, походу, не видели наш горы.
But you, the campaign, have not seen our mountains.
В кругу родных мы мочим дикий город.
In the circle of relatives, we get a wild city.
Простые парни, простая история.
Simple guys, simple story.
Хороший день, и мы в таком же настрое;
A good day, and we are in the same mood;
Ничто не в силах наше лето испортить.
Nothing is able to ruin our summer.
Отдых не Luxury, но всё на комфорте;
Rest is not luxury, but everything is on comfort;
И как всегда - лето будет коротким.
And as always - the summer will be short.
Снова в окна бьётся лето. Жара. Светит солнце.
Summer beats in the windows again. Heat. The sun is shining.
Снова в окна бьётся лето. Жара. Светит солнце.
Summer beats in the windows again. Heat. The sun is shining.
All I wanna summer time, summer time.
All I Wanna Summer Time, Summer Time.
Running on a summer time, summer time.
Running on A Summer Time, Summer Time.
Don't forget a summer time, summer time.
Don'T Forget a Summer Time, Summer Time.
Hala to the summer time, summer time.
Hala to the Summer Time, Summer Time.
All I wanna summer time, summer time.
All I Wanna Summer Time, Summer Time.
Running on a summer time, summer time.
Running on A Summer Time, Summer Time.
Don't forget a summer time, summer time.
Don'T Forget a Summer Time, Summer Time.
Hala to the summer time, summer time.
Hala to the Summer Time, Summer Time.
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