Kaleo - Save Yourself - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Kaleo

Название песни: Save Yourself

Дата добавления: 24.11.2022 | 21:26:04

Просмотров: 4

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Kaleo - Save Yourself

It weighs heavier on one's heart
It Weighs Heavier on One's Heart
Этот груз ложится тяжким бременем на одно сердце.
This load lies with a heavy burden on one heart.
I could tell right from the start that sweet ones are hard to come across
Ещё в самом начале я мог сказать, что вторую половинку найти тяжело.
Even at the very beginning, I could say that it is hard to find a soul mate.
Well there is more than meets the eye
Well there is More than Meets The Eye
Верно, это сложнее, чем может показаться на первый взгляд.
True, this is more complicated than it might seem at first glance.
Heart like yours is rare to find
Heart Like Yours Is Rare To Find
Такое сердце, как у тебя, трудно найти.
A heart like yours is difficult to find.
Someone else's gain will be my loss
Someone Else's Gain Will Be My Loss
Чья-то победа станет моим поражением.
Someone’s victory will be my defeat.

Woah, woah, oh oh
Woah, Woah, OH OH
Эй, эй, оу, оу,
Hey, hey, oh, oh,
Oh woah, woah
OH Woah, Woah
Оу, эй,
Oh, hey,
Woah woah oh
Woah Woah OH
Оу, оу, оу...
Oh, Oh, oh ...
Hey hey
Hey Hey
Эй, эй...
Hey Hey...

[Verse 2:]
[Verse 2:]
[Куплет 2:]
[Verse 2:]
Well little things that make you smile
Well Little Things that Make You Smile
Что ж, мелочи заставляют тебя улыбаться.
Well, the little things make you smile.
Dancing barefoot in the dark
Dancing Barefoot in the Dark
Например, танцы босиком в темноте...
For example, dancing barefoot in the dark ...
If only I had strength to change your mind
IF Only I Had Strength to Change Your Mind
Если бы я только сумел найти в себе силы, чтобы повлиять на твоё решение!
If I only managed to find the strength in myself to influence your decision!
Oh for what you need
OH for What You Need
Оу, ты не сможешь понять,
Oh, you cannot understand
You will not see
You Will Not See
Что тебе нужно.
What do you need.
Choose your words before you speak
Choose Your Words Before You Speak
Подбери слова, прежде чем начнёшь говорить.
Pick up the words before you start talking.
Can you see that all you've got is time?
Can you just that all you've got is time?
Разве ты не понимаешь, что время – это всё, что у тебя есть?
Don't you understand that time is all that you have?

Woah now
Woah Now
Оу, послушай,
Oh, listen,
Save yourself
Save Youurself
Спаси себя.
Save yourself.
Oh you save yourself
Oh You Save Youurself
Оу, спасайся.
Oh, escape.
Oh darling save yourself for someone else
OH Darling Save Yourself for Someone Else
Оу, дорогая, береги себя ради кого-то другого.
Oh, dear, take care of yourself for someone else.
Yeah, save yourself
Yeah, Save Youurself
Да, береги себя.
Yes, take care of yourself.
Oh darling save yourself
OH Darling Save Youurself
Оу, дорогая, сохрани себя.
Oh, dear, save yourself.
Oh won't you save yourself for someone else
OH Won'T You Save Yourself for Someone Else
Оу, ты не будешь спасаться ради кого-то другого?
Oh, will you not be saved for the sake of someone else?

Don't give in to their feelings
DONIT GIVE in Their Feelings
Не поддавайся их чувствам,
Do not succumb to their feelings,
Don't give in darkness and faith
Don`t Give in Darkness and Faith
Не поддавайся тьме и вере.
Do not succumb to darkness and faith.
You should be safe, yeah, with someone else
You Should Be Safe, Yeah, With Someone Else
Ты должна быть в безопасности, да, вместе с кем-то другим.
You must be safe, yes, with someone else.

[Verse 3:]
[Verse 3:]
[Куплет 3:]
[Verse 3:]
Tell your secrets to the night
Tell Your Secrets to the Night
Поведай ночи свои тайны.
Tell your secrets your secrets.
You do yours and I do mine
You do yours and i do mine
Ты поделишься своими секретами, а я – своими.
You will share your secrets, and I will be mine.
So we won't have to keep them all inside
So we wonmet has to keep them all inside
Так нам не придётся скрывать всё это внутри себя.
So we will not have to hide it all inside ourselves.
Oh, for one so pure
Oh, for one so pure
Оу, дай всему этому волю
Oh, give all this will
Count these off
Count these Off
Ради того, кто так непорочен.
For the sake of who is so blank.
Let your feelings take control
Let YoR Feelings Take Control
Позволь своим чувствам контролировать тебя.
Let your feelings control you.
Hold on to the world that he's begging for
Hold on to the World that He's Beging for
Держись за тот мир, за который он молится.
Hold on to the world for which he prays.

Woah now
Woah Now
Оу, послушай,
Oh, listen,
Save yourself
Save Youurself
Спаси себя.
Save yourself.
Oh won't you save yourself
OH Won'T You Save Yourself
Оу, ты не будешь спасаться?.
Oh, you will not be saved?.
Go on and save yourself for someone else
Go on and Save Youurself for Someone Else
Давай, береги себя ради кого-то другого.
Come on, take care of yourself for someone else.
Yes darling save yourself
Yes Darling Save Youurself
Да, дорогая, береги себя.
Yes, dear, take care of yourself.
Oh won't you save yourself
OH Won'T You Save Yourself
Оу, ты не будешь спасаться?
Oh, will you not be saved?
Go on and save yourself for someone else
Go on and Save Youurself for Someone Else
Давай, сохрани себя ради кого-то другого.
Come on, keep yourself for someone else.

Woah are you going to break?
Woah Are You Going to Break?
Оу, ты собираешься всё разрушить?
Oh, are you going to destroy everything?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to brreak?
Ты хочешь всё сломать?
Do you want to break everything?
Woah what's it going to take?
Woah What's it Going to Take?
Да, что ты выберешь?
Yes, what will you choose?
Yeah are you going to break?
Yeah Are You Going to Break?
Да, ты хочешь всё разрушить?
Yes, do you want to destroy everything?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to brreak?
Ты хочешь всё сломать?
Do you want to break everything?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to brreak?
Ты хочешь всё разрушить?
Do you want to destroy everything?
Woah what's it going to take?
Woah What's it Going to Take?
Да, что ты выберешь?
Yes, what will you choose?
Yeah, are you going to break?
Yeah, Are You Going to Break?
Да, ты хочешь всё разрушить?
Yes, do you want to destroy everything?

Are you going to break?
Are you going to brreak?
Ты хочешь всё разрушить?
Do you want to destroy everything?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to brreak?
Ты хочешь всё разрушить?
Do you want to destroy everything?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to brreak?
Ты хочешь всё разрушить?
Do you want to destroy everything?
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