Kari Jobe LIVE - ЯХВЕ Yahweh - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Kari Jobe LIVE - ЯХВЕ Yahweh
Вст.: || ¾ Em D G | C | C|| (в мелодии: соль фа# си ми)
Vost.: || ¾ EM D G | C | C || (In the melody: salt f# si mi)
1. | Em | D | G | C | Em | D | G | C :|| - 2p.
1. | EM | D | G | C | EM | D | G | C: || - 2p.
2. | Em | D | G | C | Em | D | C | C ||
2. | EM | D | G | C | EM | D | C | C ||
3. ||G | D | Em | C :|| + | 3/4 Em D G | 4/4 C | C :||
3. || G | D | EM | C: || + | 3/4 EM D G | 4/4 c | C: ||
4. || Em | C | G | D :||
4. || EM | C | G | D: ||
Вст.: || ¾ C#m H E | A | A|| (в мелодии: ми ре# соль# до#)
Vost.: || ¾ C#m h e | A | A || (In the melody: mi r# salt# to#)
1. | C#m | H | E | A | C#m | H | E | A :|| - 2p.
1. | C#m | H | E | A | C#m | H | E | A: || - 2p.
2. | C#m | H | E | A | C#m | H | A | A ||
2. | C#m | H | E | A | C#m | H | A | A ||
3. ||E | H | C#m | A :|| + | 3/4 C#m H E | 4/4 A | A :||
3. || E | H | C#m | A: || + | 3/4 C#m h e | 4/4 A | A: ||
4. || C#m | A | E | H :||
4. || C#m | A | E | H: ||
1.Там, где свет засиял,
1.That where the light shone,
где угас он.
Where he faded.
Где был прожитый миг
Where was the lived moment
и ушедший день.
And the past day.
Всегда Ты был там.
You have always been there.
С первым криком
With the first cry
и вздохом последним
And the last sigh
Где закончился бой,
Where the battle ended,
что победу дал
What the victory gave
Всегда Ты был там
You have always been there
2. Вечный Бог.
2. Eternal God.
Такой Чудесный.
So wonderful.
Ты есть - Святой
You are - holy
Любовь, Твоя наполняет меня!
Love, yours filling me!
3. Яхве, Яхве
3. Yahweh, Yahweh
Верный Бог
The faithful God
Ты с нами здесь!
You are with us here!
Яхве, Яхве
Yahweh, Yahweh
Ты тот же, во веки веков!
You are the same, forever and ever!
Там, где встретились небо и море
Where the sky and the sea met
Где встречает любовь
Where love meets
нужду и боль
need and pain
Всегда Ты был там
You have always been there
4. Неизменный!
4. Consistent!
Ты – Бог вечный!
You are eternal God!
Ты – Царь славы!
You are the king of glory!
From the first break of light
From the first break of light
the the last days
The Last Days
Every echo of time
Every evening fades
You've always been there
You've Always Been?
From a baby's first cry
From a Baby's First Cry
to the last breath
to the last Breath
Every fight in our mind
Every victory ends
You've always been there
You've Always Been?
Ancient One
Ancient One
So Amazing
So amazing
Unfailing You are
Unfailing You Are
Holy One
Holy One
My heart with Your love
My heart with your love
Yahweh, Yahweh
Yahweh, Yahweh
Faithful God
FaithFul God
You're here to stay
You're here to stay
Yahweh, Yahweh
Yahweh, Yahweh
Forever and always
Forever and Always
The Same
The Same
Where the sky meets the sea
What the Sky Meets The Sea
and breaks free
And Breaks Free
Where compassion and love
What Compassion and Love
are meet with Thee
are meet with the
You've always been there
You've Always Been?
Ancient One
Ancient One
So Amazing
So amazing
Unfailing You are
Unfailing You Are
Holy One
Holy One
My heart with Your love
My heart with your love
Yahweh, Yahweh
Yahweh, Yahweh
Faithful God
FaithFul God
You're here to stay
You're here to stay
Yahweh, Yahweh
Yahweh, Yahweh
Forever and always
Forever and Always
The Same
The Same
All Consuming
All Consuming
God Almighty
God almighty
Lord of Glory
Lord of Glory
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