Kazaky - Last Night - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Kazaky - Last Night
перевод итальянского текста
Translation of the Italian text
Все изменилось в тот день когда я встретил ее.Небо упало на землю, и я почувствовал невесомость ...
Everything changed that day when I met her. None fell to the ground, and I felt weightlessness ...
.. Я лился вниз как белый дождь, и я знал, в толпе, только мы были реальными. Я не спрашивал ее имя. Без сомнения, - ее имя было Любовь ...
.. I poured down like white rain, and I knew, in the crowd, only we were real. I did not ask her name. No doubt, her name was love ...
Мир иллюзий не вечен, и вскоре я узнал ее имя, Страсть. Это, как они называют ее.
The world of illusions is not eternal, and soon I recognized her name, passion. This is, as they call her.
Она приходит ко мне всякий раз, когда она хочет, и, оставив меня, она вырывает кусок из моего сердца.
She comes to me whenever she wants, and leaving me, she pulls out a piece of my heart.
Я попытался промыть ее духи(/парфюм), из моей ладони, но он следует за мной повсюду.Я не могу ничего сделать, единственное, что я могу сделать,это смотреть как она проникает в мою кровь....
I tried to rinse her perfume (/perfume), from my palm, but he follows me everywhere. I can’t do anything, the only thing I can do is to see how she penetrates my blood ....
Tutto cambio il giorno in cui la conobbi...il cielo cadde sulla terra e io mi sentii senza peso.
Tutto Cambio Il Giorno in Cui La Conobbi ... Il Cielo Cadde Sulla Terra e Io sentii senza peso.
Scesi come pioggia bianca e sapevo che tra la folla esistevamo solo noi.
Scesi Come Pioggia Bianca E Sapevo Che Trax La Folla Esistevamo Solo Noi.
Non ho chiesto il suo nome, senza dubbio, si chiamava, Amore.
Non Ho Chiesto Il Suo Nome, Senza Dubbio, Si Chiamava, Amore.
Last night, last night, last night
Last Night, Last Night, Last Night
I can’t believe this destination
I can’t this destination
Last night was so bright, I saw your eyes
Last Night Was So Bright, I Saw Your Eyes
You came to my mind, but you wouldn’t go out
You Came to My Mind, But You Wouldn’s Out
But you wouldn’t go out, but you wouldn’t go out,
But You Wouldn’t go out, but you wooldn’t go out
But you wouldn’t go out, but you wouldn’t go out.
But You Wouldn’t go out, but you wooldn’t go out.
I see you with me, you will feel the beat.
I See You with Me, You Will Feel The Beat.
Black side of the moon, I didn’t feel it so deep.
Black Side of the Moon, I Didn’s Feel It So Deep.
I didn’t feel it so deep, I didn’t feel it so deep,
I DIDN’T Feel It So Deep, I Didn’s Feel It So Deep,
I didn’t feel it so deep, I didn’t feel it so deep.
I DIDN’T Feel It So Deep, I Didn’s Feel It So Deep.
Last night, last night, last night
Last Night, Last Night, Last Night
I can’t believe this destination
I can’t this destination
Last night, last night
Last Night, Last Night
It was just imagination last night
IT Was Just Imagination Last Night
Last night was so bright, I saw your eyes
Last Night Was So Bright, I Saw Your Eyes
You came to my mind, but you wouldn’t go out,
You Came to My Mind, But You Wooldn’t go out,
But you wouldn’t go out, but you wouldn’t go out,
But You Wouldn’t go out, but you wooldn’t go out
But you wouldn’t go out, but you wouldn’t go out.
But You Wouldn’t go out, but you wooldn’t go out.
I see you with me, you will feel the beat.
I See You with Me, You Will Feel The Beat.
Black side of the moon, I didn’t feel it so deep,
Black Side of the Moon, I Didn’s Feel It So Deep,
I didn’t feel it so deep, I didn’t feel it so deep,
I DIDN’T Feel It So Deep, I Didn’s Feel It So Deep,
I didn’t feel it so deep, I didn’t feel it so
I DIDN’T Feel It So Deep, I DIDN’T Feel It SO
Last night, last night, last night
Last Night, Last Night, Last Night
I can’t believe this destination
I can’t this destination
Last night was so bright, I saw your eyes
Last Night Was So Bright, I Saw Your Eyes
You came to my mind, but you wouldn’t go out,
You Came to My Mind, But You Wooldn’t go out,
But you wouldn’t go out, but you wouldn’t go out.
But You Wouldn’t go out, but you wooldn’t go out.
It was just imagination.
It was just Imagination.
Il mondo delle illusioni non e eterno, presto conobbi il suo nome, Passione.
Il Mondo delle Illusioni non e Eterno, Presto Conobbi Il Suo Nome, Passione.
E' cosi che la chiamano. Viene da me quando vuole, e lasciandomi strappa un pezzo dal mio cuore.
E 'Cosi Che La Chiamano. Viene da Me Quando Vuole, E Lasciandomi Strappa Un Pezzo Dal Mio Cuore.
Ho provato a sciacquar via il suo profumo dai miei palmi, ma mi segue, ovunque.
Ho Provato a Sciacquar Via Il Suo Profumo Dai Miei Palmi, Ma Mi Segue, Ovunque.
Non posso farci nulla, l'unica cosa che posso fare e stare a guardare il mio corpo affondare lentamente nel suo sangue
Non Posso Farci Nulla, L'unica Cosa Che Posso Fare E Stare a Guardare Il Mio Corpo Affondare Lentamente Nel Suo Sangue
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