King Crimson 1969 In The Court Of The Crimson King - 04 Moonchild Including The Dream The Illusion - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни King Crimson 1969 In The Court Of The Crimson King - 04 Moonchild Including The Dream The Illusion
Lunar child
Зови ее дитя луны,
Call her child of the moon
Той, что на отмелях речных
The one on the shallows of river
Кружит неторопливо
Drings slowly
Прелестное дитя луны
The lovely child of the moon
Ей снятся сказочные сны
She dreams of fabulous dreams
Под тенью ивы
Under the shadow of willow
Лесная речь понятна ей
Forest speech is clear to her
Под паутиною ветвей
Under the web of branches
И жалобы фонтана
And complaints of the fountain
Волшебной палочкою хор
Magic stick choir
Полночных птиц, как дирижер
Fully birds like a conductor
Она ведет и солнце ждет
She leads and the sun is waiting
В горах туманных
In the mountains of the foggy
Зови ее дитя мечты
Call her dream child
Срывает лунные цветы
Blinds lunar flowers
В садах случайных
In random gardens
Дитя, влюбленное в луну
A child in love with the moon
Ее на отзвуках минут
Her echoes of minutes
Года качают
They have been pumping years
В молочном платье на ветру
In a milk dress in the wind
Скользит, бросает руны в круг
Slides, throws runes into a circle
И ждет ответа,
And waiting for an answer,
Играя с духами зари,
Playing with the spirits of the dawn
Когда же с ней заговорит
When will it speak to her
Дитя рассвета
Dawn child
King Crimson
King Crimson
Call her moonchild
Call Her Moonchild
Dancing in the shallows of a river
Dancing in the Shallows of A River
Lovely moonchild
Lovely Moonchild
Dreaming in the shadow
Dreaming in the Shadow
of the willow.
Of the Willow.
Talking to the trees of the
Talking to the Trees of the
cobweb strange
Cobweb Strange
Sleeping on the steps of a fountain
Sleeping on the Steps of a Fountain
Waving silver wands to the
Wling Silver Wands to the
night-birds song
Night-Birds Song
Waiting for the sun on the mountain.
Waiting for the Sun on the Mountain.
She's a moonchild
She's a moonchild
Gathering the flowers in a garden.
Gathering the Flowers in a Garden.
Lovely moonchild
Lovely Moonchild
Drifting on the echoes of the hours.
Drifting on the Echoes of the Hours.
Sailing on the wind
Sailing on the Wind
in a milk white gown
In a Milk White Gown
Dropping circle stones on a sun dial
Dropping Circle Stones on a Sun Dial
Playing hide and seek
Playing Hide and Seek
with the ghosts of dawn
with the ghosts of dawn
Waiting for a smile from a sun child.
Waiting for A Smile from a Sun Child.
С альбома "In the Court of the Crimson King" (1969)
With the album "In the Court of the Crimson King" (1969)
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King Crimson 1969 In The Court Of The Crimson King - Full Album
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