King Dude feat. Emily Denton - My Mother Was the Moon - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни King Dude feat. Emily Denton - My Mother Was the Moon
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
Out came the sun and dried off her cocoon
Out came the sun and dried off her cocoon
Underneath the water I would lay and die to soon
Underneath the water I would lay and die to soon
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
Fallen from my web I have landed in the stream
Fallen from my web I have landed in the stream
Been drifting on a while or forever so it seems
Been drifting on a while or forever so it seems
My mother cries above me: "you have left the world too soon"
My mother cries above me: "you have left the world too soon"
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
So I come to rest now down in my riverbed
So I come to rest now down in my riverbed
Dreaming of the life I left tangled up in the web
Dreaming of the life I left tangled up in the web
My mother sits upon the hill singing a song or two
My mother sits upon the hill singing a song or two
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
If I were a spider and my mother was the moon
Если б луною была моя мать, а я бы была пауком
If my mother was the moon and I was a spider
Кокон иссохший с нее бы снимало Солнце своим лучом,
The sun would remove the withered cocoon from her with its ray,
И я б, пока смерть не наступит, лежала, укрывшись холодным ручьем,
And I would, until death comes, lie covered by a cold stream,
Если б луною была моя мать, а я бы была пауком.
If my mother were the moon and I was a spider.
Я, со своей паутины упав, вошла бы в бегущий поток
I, having fallen from my web, would have entered the running stream
И сколько плыла бы, сама и не знаю – но был бы как вечность тот срок.
And I don’t even know how long I would have swam – but that time would have been like an eternity.
А мать бы рыдала, склонясь над водою, о бедном ребенке своем
And the mother would weep, bending over the water, for her poor child
Если б луною была моя мать, а я бы была пауком.
If my mother were the moon and I was a spider.
Отдых найдя средь играющих струй, я укрылась бы в темной волне
Having found rest among the playing streams, I would take refuge in the dark wave
И жизнь, что осталась меж шелковых нитей, являлась бы мне во сне.
And the life that remained between the silk threads would appear to me in a dream.
А мать бы всходила на холм, чтобы спеть пару песен о чем-то своем
And the mother would go up the hill to sing a couple of songs about something of her own
Если б луною была моя мать, а я бы была пауком.
If my mother were the moon and I was a spider.
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