Last DreameR - In Your Mind - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео

Исполнитель: Last DreameR

Название песни: In Your Mind

Дата добавления: 30.05.2024 | 16:18:14

Просмотров: 2

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Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Last DreameR - In Your Mind

Leave this place place
Leave this place
And try to think:
And try to think:
How could you be so blind?
How could you be so blind?
Loose your mind
Loose your mind
And go away!
And go away!
You will be flee cause I've enough now!
You will be flee cause I've enough now!
Don't forget:
Don't forget:
I'm not the toy!
I'm not the toy!
Don't try to kick me down!
Don't try to kick me down!
Try to understand...
Try to understand...
Just try to take it in your mind!
Just try to take it into your mind!
Just listen me!
Just listen to me!
Get away from here!
Get away from here!
Leave my mind and go away!
Leave my mind and go away!
I won't let you stay!
I won't let you stay!
Just go away!
Just go away!
I will never ever wait for you!
I will never ever wait for you!
Leave this place place
Leave this place
And try to think:
And try to think:
How could you be so blind?
How could you be so blind?
Loose your mind
Loose your mind
And go away!
And go away!
You will be flee cause I've enough now!
You will be flee cause I've enough now!
Don't forget:
Don't forget:
I'm not the toy!
I'm not the toy!
Don't try to kick me down!
Don't try to kick me down!
Try to understand...
Try to understand...
Just try to take it in your mind!
Just try to take it into your mind!

Last DreameR-"В Свой Разум"
Last DreameR-"Into Your Mind"

Покинь это место
Leave this place
И попытайся подумать:
And try to think:
Как ты мог быть столь слеп?
How could you be so blind?
Теряй свой разум
Lose your mind
И уходи!
And go away!
Ползи прочь,потому что с меня достаточно!
Crawl away because I've had enough!
Не забывай:
Do not forget:
Я не игрушка,
I am not a toy,
Не пытайся мною играть!
Don't try to play with me!
Попробуй понять...
Try to understand...
Попробуй вбить это в свой разум!
Try to get this into your mind!
Просто послушай меня!
Just listen to me!
Уберись отсюда!
Get out of here!
Покинь мои мысли и уйди!
Leave my thoughts and go away!
Я не позволю тебе остаться!
I won't let you stay!
Просто уходи!
Just go away!
Я больше никогда не стану ждать чего-либо от тебя!
I will never expect anything from you again!
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