Lawcast - Very Nice - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Lawcast - Very Nice
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Я вышел под залог из анти вдохновенья (вдохновенья)
I went bail from anti -inspiration (inspiration)
Я сияю, будто альфа-излучение (излучение)
I shine like alpha radiation (radiation)
Я не ношу «Moncler», но также я на стиле (я на стиле)
I do not wear Moncler, but I am also on the style (I'm on the style)
Бросая трехочковый, будто «Реджи Милли» (Реджи Милли)
Throwing a three -point, like Reggie Millie (Reggie Milli)
Я не читал Бертрана
I didn't read Bertrand
За спиною нет охраны (нет охраны)
There is no guard behind the back (no security)
Не из семьи «Сопрано»
Not from the family "Soprano"
Я не «Уайти Балджер», мама (мама)
I am not to "witch the Balger", mom (mom)
Я не позабыл все то, что было позади
I did not forget everything that was behind
Мне говорили: «Властелином надо быть судьбы!»
They told me: "The Lord needs to be fate!"
Я не сдамся, черт возьми, без боя, без борьбы
I will not give up, damn it, without a fight, without a fight
Не прячу голову в кусты, когда эти проблемы непросты
I will not hide my head in the bushes when these problems are not easy
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Я не чайный мастер (мастер)
I'm not a tea master (master)
В руках отнюдь не бластер (бластер)
Not a blaster in his hands (blaster)
Я не Константин, скорей всего,
I'm not Konstantin, most likely
отец Ланкастер (Ланкастер)
Father Lancaster (Lancaster)
В душе я Вуди Ален (Ален)
In the soul I am Woody Alain (Alain)
На деле мистер Квентин (Квентин)
In fact, Mr. Quentin (Quentin)
Образ жизни невербальный
The lifestyle is non -verbal
Не в мире сплетен (сплетен)
Not in the world of gossip (gossip)
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
Ma'a, it's very nice, vice
Ma'a, it's Very Nice, Vice
I'm not a mope, nope
I'm not a mope, nope
Just to get a little dope
Just to get a Little Dope
Let me show you paradise
Let me show you paradise
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