Limbonic Art - Suicide Commando - текст песни, слова, перевод, видео
Ознакомьтесь с текстом песни Limbonic Art - Suicide Commando
"Повеление К Суициду"
"Sumide command"
В тени мирских честолюбивых желаний
In the shadow of worldly ambitious desires
Вижу я жизнь и смерть, и их ужасный конфликт
I see life and death, and their terrible conflict
И как свет убивает то, что создано тьмой
And how the light kills what is created by darkness
В вечном пути по темным рекам моего сердца
In the eternal path along the dark rivers of my heart
Через безжизненные наслоения и планетарное разложение
Through lifeless layers and planetary decomposition
В порочном кругу угасания
In a vicious circle of extinction
Душа находит свой способ забвения
The soul finds its own way of oblivion
В черноте тоски только грех – вечен
Only sin is eternal in black in black
Как самоцвет моего сердца, эфирно-ночной
As a gem of my heart, etheric
В глубоких, черных как смоль залах тьмы
In deep, black -black halls of darkness
Безжалостный зла пантеон жаждет самоуничтожения
Ruthless evil Pantheon craves self -destruction
И только когда все грани любви погублены
And only when all the faces of love are ruined
Только тогда – в силах ты ощутить пустоту
Only then - you are able to feel emptiness
И сердцем достичь Запредельного
And with the heart to reach the prohibitive
Тиран в душе и во плоти, боль, – нечестивая владычица
Tyran in the soul and in the flesh, pain - the wicked lord
Церемонией смерти земной ты совершаешь признание ей
Earth's death ceremony, you recognize it
Следуй голосам ночи, и в бесконечном сне ты обретешь убежище от света
Follow the voices of the night, and in an endless dream you will find a refuge from the light
Во власти тьмы был день, когда рожден ты,
In the grip of darkness was the day when you were born,
И даже вечера темнее, когда ты вырван был (из жизни когтей)
And even the evenings are darker when you were torn out (from the life of claws)
Умри же в муках во имя вечной мистерии тьмы
Direct in torment in the name of the eternal mystery of darkness
Умри с тихими спазмами свободы крика
Direct with quiet spasms of scream freedom
Жизнь – всего лишь зараза бессмыслия
Life is just an infection of meaningless
In the shadows of the world's ambitions
In the Shadows of the World's Ambitions
I see life and death, in an enormous collision
I See Life and Death, in Anrmous Collision
Light destroys, what dark creates
Light Destroys, What Dark Creates
Forever floating, the dark rivers of the heart.
Forever Floating, The Dark Rivers of the Heart.
Lifeless drifting, in an orbital decay.
Lifeless Driefing, in An Orbital Decay.
A vicious circle of extinction
A vicious circle of expression
The soul reaches the state oblivion
The Soul Reachs The State Oblivion
In blackness of sorrow, the sin is immortal.
In Blackness of Sorrow, The Sin is Immortal.
The diamond of the heart, is pure nocturnal.
The Diamond of the Heart, Is Pure Nocturnal.
In the deep pitch black halls of darkness.
In the Deep Pitch Black Halls of Darkness.
The cruel high-council of evil, demands self destruction.
The Cruel High-Council of Evil, Demands Self Destruption.
All the aspects of love, must be undone.
All the Aspects of Love, Must Be undone.
Only then one can feel, the emptiness,
Only the One Can Feel, The Emptiness,
As the cold heart reaches beyond.
As the Cold Heart Reaches Beyond.
Tyrant in soul and flesh, pain is the unholy mistress.
Tyrant in Soul and Flesh, Pain is the Unholy Mistress.
Rites in earthly death, for darkness you confess.
Rites in Earthly Death, For Darkness You Confess.
Follow the voices of the night, in endless sleep you'll hide from light.
Follow The Voices of the Night, In Endless Sleep You'll Hide from Light.
Dark was the day you were born, even darker on that eve you were torn.(From life)
Dark Was the Day You Were Born, Even Darker On that Eve You Were Torn. (From Life)
Die in martyrium, for darkness endless mysterium.
Die in Martyrium, For Darkness Endless Mysterium.
Die in silent spasms of screaming.
Die in Silent Spasms of Screaming.
Life is infected by no meaning.
Life is infected by no meaning.
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